Date: 27/10/2019.
Information: Assam Project on Forest
and Biodiversity Conservation Society (APFBCS) has given an employment
notification for the recruitment for the post of Finance Advisor latest
vacancies 2019. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed
all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
Post Name: Finance
No. of
Post: 01
Qualification: MBA
(Finance) or MCA from a recognized university/institute. 1 (one) year Diploma in
Computer and Tally. Having a minimum experience of 10 years. Or Retd. Assam Finance Service (AFS)
Officers who have dealt with the financial matters of the Externally Aided
Project (EAP)
Age as
on (01.01.2019): Maximum
65 years.
remuneration: Rs.60,000/- to Rs.90,000/-
How to Apply:
Eligible candidate may submit the
filled up prescribed format attached herewith (must be in PDF version) to the
Project Director, PMU, APFBC Society latest by 04.00 P.M. on 27.10.2019 at the
e-mail ID: proj.director2019@gmail.com
Important Dates
The last date of submission of
application: 27-10-2019 up to 4 P.M.
Important Links
Advertisement & Application Form: Check Here
Official Website: Click Here