Delhi Police (DP) Recruitment 2019 -554 Head Constable Vacancy

Delhi Police (DP) Recruitment 2019 -554 Head Constable Vacancy

Delhi Police (DP).
Last Date: 13.11.2019.

Direct Recruitment for the post of Head Constable (Ministerial) in Delhi Police Examination, 2019. Online applications are invited from Male and Female Indian citizens for filling up the following vacancies for the post of temporary Head Constable (Ministerial) (Group ‘C’) in Delhi Police in Level-4 in pay matrix (Rs.25500-81100) plus usual and admissible allowances to the Central Government Employees from time to time. They will be governed under Delhi Police Act and Central Civil Services Rules applicable to other members of the force and other Acts and Rules applicable from time to time. On appointment they shall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the “New Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Scheme” applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government Services with effect from 01.01.2004:-

Name of Post: Head Constable (Ministerial)
  • No. of Vacancies: 554
  • Male: (GEN./UR-140, EWS-37, OBC-86, SC-56 & ST-53)
  • Female: (GEN./UR-69, EWS-18, OBC-42, SC-27 & ST-26)
  • Educational Qualification: 10+2 (Senior Secondary) pass from a recognized Board.
  • Professional Requirement: Speed in English Typing-30 w.p.m. Or Speed in Hindi Typing-25 w.p.m.
  • Pay Matrix: Level-4 (Rs.25500-81100)
Age as on 01.07.2019: 18 to 25 years for UR/EWS candidates, relexable for following category of candidate’s upto the age of:
  • OBC-28 years
  • SC/ST-30 years
  • Persons with Disabilities: 35 years for UR/EWS (38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST).
  • Widow/Divorced Women/Judicially separated women who are not re-married: 35 years for UR/EWS (38 years for OBC and 40 years for SC/ST).
  • Sportsmen/Sportsmen: 30 years for UR/OBC/EWS (35 years for SC/ST) who have represented State at the National level and country at the International level.
  • Departmental candidate of Delhi Police: 40 years for UR/EWS (43 years for OBC and 45 years for SC/ST) who have rendered 03 years regular and continuous service in Delhi Police.
  • For Ex-Servicemen, as per rules.

i. 10% vacancies are reserved for Ex-Servicemen (Ex-SM) as per Govt. of India’s instructions. The personnel of Central Para Military Forces are not eligible to apply under Ex-Servicemen category.

ii. 03% vacancies are reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) [locomotors disability of 40% and above (either one or both leg affected]. Their post will be civilian in nature and they will not wear uniform of Delhi Police.

iii. Abbreviations used are UR-Un-Reserved, EWS-Economically Weaker Section, OBC-Other Backward Class, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe and PwD-Persons with Disabilities.


i) Furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the application form would be a disqualification for the post.

ii) In the event of any forgery/falsification of any documents being detected at any stage. Besides cancellation of candidature, a criminal case will also be registered against the candidate as per law.

Application Forms: Only those Applications which are successfully filled through the website shall be accepted. Application forms sent in any other format shall be rejected.

Fee: The application fee would be Rs.100/- (only online). SC/ST/Ex-Servicemen/Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and women candidates are exempted from payment of fee.

Candidates should go through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility conditions like Age-Limit/Essential Qualifications (EQS)/etc. as indicated above. Candidature of candidates not meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely provisional at all stages of the recruitment process.

For details, the applicants are requested to go through the detailed advertisement appearing in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar dated 12.10.2019 and Delhi Police website It contains category-wise number of vacancies, eligibility conditions, procedure of filling the form, terms & conditions as well as information regarding various tests like Computer Base Examination, Physical Endurance & Measurement Tests (PE&MT), Typing Test on Computer and Computer (Formatting) Test etc. as prescribed for the post. Applicants should understand all the information and instructions carefully before applying for the post.

Important Dates:
  • Online Registration Opening Time: 14.10.2019.
  • Online Registration Closing Time: 13.11.2019.
Important Web Links:
  • Online Application Link: 14.10.2019
  • Advertisement: Check Here

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