Nehru College Boko, Kamrup.
Date: 25/10/2019.
Information: Jawaharlal Nehru College
(JNC), Boko, Kamrup has given an employment notification for the recruitment Principal
post latest vacancies 2019. Candidates who are interested in Job details and
have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
Post Name: Principal
Master Degree with at least
55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point of scale in grading system by a
recognized university.
Experience: Associate Professor/Professor with at
least 15 years Teaching Experience/ Research/Administration in Universities/College/Higher
Education Institute.
Limit: 55 years as per prescribed
How to Apply:
Application in prescribed proforma
issued by the DHE, Assam should be submitted to the President, Governing Body
of Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko within 15 days from the date of publication of this
advertisement along with a demand
draft of Rs. 4000/- (Four Thousand only) in favour of Principal
Jawaharlal Nehru College, Boko at UBI, Boko Branch.
Important Dates
Last date of submission of offline
application: 25-10-2019.
Important Links
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