Karimganj College.
Last Date: 10.10.2019.
College, advertisement applications in
duplicate are invited for the following posts from the persons
belonging to the roster category shown against each post.
1. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Arabic
No. of post: 1 (ST (H))
2. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Bengali
No. of post: 2 (ST (P)/OBC/MOBC)
3. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Botany
No. of post: 3 (ST (P)/SC/OBC/MOBC)
4. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Commerce
No. of post: 3 (ST (P)/OBC/MOBC)
5. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Economics
No. of post: 1 (ST (P))
6. Subject: Asstt. Prof., History
No. of post: 1 (ST (H))
7. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Mathematics
No. of post: 2 (ST (P)/ST (P))
8. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Statistics
No. of post: 1 (ST (P))
9. Subject: Asstt. Prof., Zoology
No. of post: 1 (OBC/MOBC)
38 years as on 1st day of the year in which the advertisement is
issued with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD and 3 years for OBC/MOBC
Education Qualification and selection
procedure: As per Govt. Office
Memorandum No. AHE.407/2017/44 dated 08-11-2018 (uploaded in college website
Preference date for acquiring
qualification: candidate has to acquire
qualification as on the date for submitting applications. Eligibility like M.Phil/Ph.D/Seminar
Papers/Publications can be acquired and submitted on the date of interview and
not beyone.
How to Apply: The candidate should submit their
application addressed to the Principal,
Karimganj College, Karimganj-788710, Assam with complete biodata and attested copies of all required
testimonials from HSLC onwards along with duly filled in prescribed proforma
issued by DHE, Assam and non refundable A/C Payee Demand Draft for Rs.1500/-
only drawn in favour of Principal, Karimganj College within 15 days from
the date of publication of this advertisement.
should write name of the post applied for and roster category on the top of the
for appearing interview will not be paid.
letter will be issued in due course of time.
application will be rejected at the time of scrutiny and no call letter will be
issued to such applicants.
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