AAU Recruitment 2019 - Post of Electrician @ Walk-in-Interview

AAU Recruitment 2019 - Post of Electrician @ Walk-in-Interview


Short Information: Assam Agriculture University (AAU), Jorhat has given an employment notification for the recruitment for the post of “Electrician” Walk-in-Interview under “DBT-NECAB” latest vacancies 2019. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.

Interview Date: 20/11/2019.

Post Name: Electrician

Period: 2 years.

Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, New Delhi.

Qualification: Class 10 + ITI (Electrician)

Desirable: 2 years of experience.

Emoluments: Rs.10,000/- (fixed) p.m.

How to Apply: Candidates may appear for the interview with bio-data and passport size photographs, original and attested copies of all testimonials that must be presented at the time of interview.

Walk-in-Interview to be held in the DBT-AAU Centre, AAU, Jorhat.

Walk-in-Interview Date:  20-11-2019 at 10.30 AM

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