KKHSOU, Guwahati.
Last Date: 2 weeks (23/11/2019)
Short Information: Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University
(KKHSOU) has given an employment notification for the recruitment for
the posts of “Professor & Associate
Professor” in Teaching Jobs latest vacancies 2019
in Guwahati Jobs. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have
completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
1. Post Name: Professor
No. of Posts: 04 (four)
Discipline: Economics/Education/History/Philosophy/Political
Science/Sociology/Social Work/Education Innovation and Teacher Training.
Essential qualification (A or B):
i) An eminent scholar having a Ph.D.
degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline, and published work of high quality, actively engaged
in research with evidence of published work with a minimum of 10 research publications in the
peer-reviewed or UGC – listed journals and a total score of 120 as per the criteria are given in Annexure I.
ii) A minimum of ten years of teaching
experience in University/College as Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor,
and/or research experience at the equivalent level at the University/National Level
Institutions with evidence of having successfully guided doctoral candidates.
B. An outstanding professional, having a
Ph.D. degree in the relevant/allied/applied disciplines, from any academic institutions (not included in
An above)/industry, who has made a significant contribution to the knowledge in the
concerned/allied/allied/relevant discipline, supported by documentary evidence provided he/she has ten years’
Desirable qualification:
i) A degree/Diploma in distance education
or working experience in distance education Institutions.
ii) Adequate knowledge of computers.
iii) Proficiency in both Assamese and
English Languages.
Scale of pay: Rs. 1,44,200 -
2,18,200 (Academic Level 14)
2. Post Name: Associate Professor
No. of Posts: 05 (five)
Essential qualification:
i) A good academic record, with a Ph.D.
Degree in the concerned/allied/relevant discipline.
ii) A Master’s Degree with at least 55%
marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever grading system is
iii) A minimum of eight years of experience
of teaching and/or research in an academic/research position equivalent to that
of Assistant Professor in a University, College or Accredited Research
with a minimum of seven publications in the Peer-reviewed or UGC- listed
journals and the total research score of Seventy Five (75) as per the criteria
given in Annexure I.
Desirable qualification:
i) A Degree/Diploma in distance education
or working experience in distance education Institution.
ii) Adequate knowledge of Computer.
iii) Proficiency in both Assamese and
English Languages.
Scale of pay: Rs. 1,31,400 –
2,17,100 (Academic Level 13A)
How to Apply
application form with details of required qualifications scale of pay, age
limit etc. can be downloaded from the university website: www.kkhsou.in.
The application should be accompanied by a Bank Draft of Rs.1000/- in favour of
KKHSOU to be drawn at Guwahati.
The last date for submission of application shall be within 2 weeks from the date
of advertisement. The applicants who have already applied against some of the
above-mentioned posts (Advt. No.R2/2019) need not apply again.
in the prescribed format should reach the undersigned in an envelope
superscribed with “Application for the post of………………………..”
Important Date
The last date for submission of application shall be within 2 weeks from the date of advertisement
Important Web Links
Advertisement & Application Form:
Check Here
Website: Click Here
Our Android Apps: Click Here