NHM, Meghalaya Recruitment 2019 - Post of Midwifery Educator

NHM, Meghalaya Recruitment 2019 - Post of Midwifery Educator


NHM, Meghalaya.
Last Date: 15/11/2019.

Short Information: National Health Mission, Meghalaya, Shillong has given an employment notification for the recruitment for the post of “Midwifery Educator” in Nursing Jobs latest vacancies 2019 in Meghalaya. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.

Vacancy Details

Post Name: Midwifery Educator

No. of Post: 01 (one)

Educational Qualification & Experience:

M Sc Nursing with a specialty on Obs and Gynae with 2 years of Clinical experience.


B Sc Nursing with a specialty on Obs and Gynae with 5 years of experience on the above field and Clinical Maternity experience.

Additional Requirement:

Candidates with teaching experience in OBG nursing will be given preference Research experience is an added advantage.

Candidates are required to submit their CV and a personal statement (1000 words maximum) explaining their motivation to join this training program.

Registered under RN/RM/INC/MNC.

Proficiency in basic computer usage-MS word, ppt, excel, use of the internet.

Age: 45 years or younger

Place of Posting: Training Institute, Shillong

How to Apply

Applicants should apply on plain paper/Standard Form with complete Biodata along with attested copies of all testimonials indicating the following information in structured manner:

(1) Post applied for


(3) Date of Birth

(4) Permanent Address

(5) Address of communication (IN BLOCK LETTERS)

(6) Qualification in detail

(7) Two Passport size photographs (One duly attested and the other unattested)

(8) SC/ST Certificate

(9) Contact No, Email address

(10) Experience Certificate from the relevant authority

(11) Signature.

2. Application complete with Bio-Data should reach the office of the Director of Health Services (MCH&FW), Upper New Colony, Health Complex, Laitumkhrah, Shillong-793003 on or before the 15th November 2019 up to 4.30 P.M and no application will be entertained after the closing date. The envelope containing the application should be super scribed with the name of the post applied for.

Important Date

Last date of submission of application on or before 15-11-2019 up to 4.30 p.m.

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