NHM, Tripura Recruitment 2019 - 20 Posts of Medical Social Worker/Project Technician-III @ ABVRCC

NHM, Tripura Recruitment 2019 - 20 Posts of Medical Social Worker/Project Technician-III @ ABVRCC

NHM, Tripura.
Last Date: 11/11/2019.

Short Information: National Health Mission, Tripura has given an employment notification for the recruitment for the posts of “Medical Social Worker & Project Technician-III” in Atal Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala latest vacancies 2019 in Tripura Govt Jobs. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.

Vacancy Details

1. Post Name: Medical Social Worker

Category: UR/ST/SC

Shortlisted for training: 10 (ten)

Waitlisted candidates: 04 (four)

Essential Qualification: Graduate in MSW/Sociology/Psychology/Statistics from a recognized university with five years of work experience from a recognized institution in public health/Medical social work or Master’s degree in the NCDIR-ICMR project of the Atala Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala.

Desirable Qualifications: One-year working experience in fieldwork. Knowledge of computer applications and data management and also preference will be given to those candidates who have shown work experience certificates of ICMR funded project or similar types of a project funded by ICMR.

Age Limit: 40 years. Age relaxation is admissible as per ICMR Guidelines.

2. Post Name: Project Technician-III (Field Worker)

Category: ST

Shortlisted for training: 5 (five)

Waitlisted candidates: 03 (three)

Essential Qualification: 12th pass in science subjects or two years of field.

Note: B.Sc. degree shall be treated as 3 years of experience.

Desirable Qualifications: Three years degree in life Sciences or one-year experience in fieldwork and Knowledge of computer applications and data management.

Age Limit: 30 years. Age relaxation is admissible as per ICMR Guidelines.

3. Post Name: Project Technician-III (Laboratory Technician)

Category: ST

Shortlisted for training: 5 (five)

Waitlisted candidates: 03 (three)

Essential Qualification: 12th pass in science subjects and two years diploma in medical laboratory technician or related subject or one year DMLT plus one year in a recognized organization or two years of field/laboratory experience.

Note: B.Sc. degree shall be treated as 3 years of experience.

Desirable Qualifications: Three years degree in life Science & One year experience in fieldwork experience in specimen collection (blood) and handling; knowledge of computer applications and data management.

Age Limit: 30 years. Age relaxation is admissible as per ICMR Guidelines.

How to Apply

Interested candidates may submit their application in plain paper addressed to the Medical Superintendent' Atal Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre, 79 tilla, P.O: Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura (West) -799006 mentioning Name of the post applied for (i) Name of the candidate (ii) Father/Husband name (iii) Permanent and Temporary address with Valid Contact number or WhatsApp number/email ID (iv) Nationality (v) Educational qualification (vi) Two copies recent passport size photographs (vii) Experience Certificate along with self-attested copies of all relevant documents with Bio-Data in hard copies in the O/o the Medical Superintendent, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre, 79 Tilla, P.O. Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura (West) Pin- 799006 by hand. The application will be received up to 5. P.M. of 11.11.2019. If the applications are not received within stipulated Date & Time, which is not considerable and undersigned is not responsible.

Applications in plain paper are hereby Re-invited for filling up of following posts on purely contractual basis at a fixed basis under NCDIR-ICMR project of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee Regional Cancer Centre, Agartala for the Project Period. The mode of selection for training of candidates is through Written Preliminary Competency Assessment Test and Viva-Voce

Important Date

The last date of receipt of application is 11-11-2019 up to 5 p.m.

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