Rajiv Gandhi University,
Last Date: 15/11/2019.
Short Information: Rajiv Gandhi University, RONO Hills,
Doimush has given an employment notification for the recruitment of
the post “JRF” in University Jobs latest vacancies 2019
in Arunachal Pradesh. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have
completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
Post Name: Junior Research
Fellow (as per DBT guidelines)
No. of Post: 01 (one)
Project Duration: 03 years.
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. Pharmacology/Pharmacology/Natural
Products Chemistry /Organic Chemistry/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences
with at least 60% marks for GEN/OBC (55% for SC/ST/PH) from UGC recognized
Desirable Qualification: It is desired that
the candidates having industry/academic experience on the isolation of natural
products and their characterization and having research publications in the
field will be preferred.
Tenure: Initially for a
period of one year and will continue on the basis of performance and
availability of funds & co-terminus with the project.
Fellowship: JRF (1st & 2nd years) – Rs.31,000/- per
month + 8% HRA SRF (3rd year) –Rs.35,000/- per month + 8% HRA.
Age: Below 28 years on the date of interview
(Relaxation in an age in permissible for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Government of
India rules)
How to Apply
candidates may send their application with an updated CV to Dr. Ayam Victor
Singh, (Coordinator & Principal Investigator, via email: (victor_ayamsingh@yahoo.com) or via
post beforehand. Candidates must appear in the interview on the specified date
& time along with their bio-data and original.
Important Date, Time &
Last date of submission via email: 15-11-2019
Interview date & venue: On 18.11.2019, at
11.00 a.m., at the Office Chamber of HoD, Department of Botany, TGU, Rono
Hills, Doimukh-791112, Arunachal Pradesh.
Important Web Links
Advertisement: Check Here
Website: Click Here
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