Rajiv Gandhi University Recruitment 2023 » 06 DEO, Assistant & MTS Vacancy

Rajiv Gandhi University Recruitment 2023 » 06 DEO, Assistant & MTS Vacancy

Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU), Doimukh.
Last Date: 27/01/2023.

Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU), Doimukh has released an official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 06 Laboratory Assistant, DEO, Laboratory Attendant and MTS vacancy in various departments and offices. The interested eligible candidate may apply in a prescribed format on or before 27th January, 2023.

RGU Doimukh Recruitment

Rajiv Gandhi University Vacancy Details

1. Laboratory Assistant (Contract)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)
  • Remuneration: Rs.15,998/- 
2. Data Entry Operator (Contract)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)
  • Remuneration: Rs.15,998/- 
3. Laboratory Attendant (Contract)

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
  • Remuneration: Rs.10,967/-
4. Multi-Tasking Staff (Contingency)

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
  • Remuneration: Rs.10,000/-

Qualification for RGU Doimukh Recruitment

1. Laboratory Assistant: B.Sc. in Physics.

2. Laboratory Assistant: Bachelor’s degree in Geology.

3. Data Entry Operator (DEO): Graduate or equivalent degree from any recognized Universities. Having completed Diploma in Computer Application and 6 (six) months course in Tally.

4. Laboratory Attendant: Class XII passed with science.

5. Multi-Tasking Staff: Class X passed. 

Age limit for RGU Doimukh Recruitment

# Candidates should not be less than 18 years and more than 28 years of age.

# Age relaxation shall be given to SC/ST/OBC candidates as per the Government of India rules.

Syllabus for RGU Doimukh Recruitment

# Candidates applying for the posts from serial number 1 to 5 shall have to first appear in the written examinations of 100 marks questions consisting of relevant subjects (where applicable) – 40 marks, English & Grammar (descriptive) – 20 marks, Numerical mathematics – 20 marks and General Knowledge – 10 marks.

Application fee for RGU Doimukh Recruitment

# The candidates must have to enclosed Demand Draft amounting to Rs.200/- (Rupees two hundred) only being an application fee in favour of “The Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University payable at Bank of Baroda, A.U. Branch”. However, an application fee paid through challan available in the Finance Branch shall also be accepted. An application without application fee shall be summarily rejected.

How to Apply for RGU Doimukh Recruitment?

# The candidates duly filled-up application form super scribing the name of the post applied in the top of the envelops should be reached to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh – 791112 on or before 27th January, 2023 till 4:30 pm.

# Documents need to be enclosed with the form are one photocopy of self-attested educational certificates, birth certificate, Aadhar card, caste certificate, covid-19, 2nd dose vaccination certificate.

# 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photographs need to be submitted of which one copy should be pasted in the right corner at the top of the application form.

Important Web-links for RGU Doimukh Recruitment

RGU Application Form Check Here
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