TSECL, Agartala.
Last Date: 25/11/2019.
Short Information: Tripura State Electricity Corporation
Limited, Agartala has given an employment notification for the
recruitment for the post of “Director
(Technical)” in
Tripura Power Department latest vacancies 2019 ত্রিপুরা সরকারি চাকরি. Candidates who are
interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read
Advertisement & Apply Offline.
Vacancy Details
Post Name: Director Technical
No. of Post: 01 (one)
Qualification: A Graduate in
Electrical Engineering from a recognized University/Institute.
Age: Below 62 (sixty-two) years as on last
date for applying.
Experience: at least 25 years experience
in Power utility with a minimum of 2 (two) years combined experience as
Additional Chief Engineer (Electrical) and Chief Engineer (Electrical), out of
which at least 1 (one) year experience as Chief Engineer (Electrical) and with
adequate exposure to the operation and maintenance of Generation, Transmission
and distribution Systems including material management, computerization of the
consumer’s billing system. Should have adequate knowledge and exposure of
Public Sector Power Utility.
The scale of Pay: Level-20 of Tripura
State Pay Matrix, 2018 (HAG + Scale Rs.37,400/- - Rs.67,000/- + GP Rs.8700/-
pre-revised) plus other admissible allowance for In-service
Candidate/Consolidated monthly contractual remuneration of Rs.1,05,000/- per
month for retired person without linkage of pension drawn from previous
service, if any.
Type of Service: On contract basis
for three years subject to extension by another two years with mutual consent.
Either party can terminate the contract by giving 30 (thirty) days notice or
paying two months’ salary in lieu.
How to Apply
Eligible candidates may send their details
bio-data mentioning two references along with a recent passport size photograph
and giving particulars of name, address, contact phone, FAX/E-mail address,
age, qualification, experience, proof of academic attainment, salary is drawn and
expected addressed to Additional Chief Secretary, Department of Power, Government
of Tripura, New Capital Complex, Agartala, PIN-799010.
Important Date
The last date of receipt of application is 25-11-2019.
Important Web Links
Check Here
Website: Click Here
Our Android Apps: Click Here
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