DC Office Sonitpur Junior Assistant Increase Vacancy 2020 − Online Apply 28 Posts @ www.sonitpur.gov.in

DC Office Sonitpur Junior Assistant Increase Vacancy 2020 − Online Apply 28 Posts @ www.sonitpur.gov.in

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DC Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Office of the Deputy Commissioner (DC), Sonitpur has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website www.sonitpur.gov.in notification of the posts “Junior Assistant” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply.

Application Process: Online Mode

Location: Sonitpur :: Tezpur

Last Date: 14.01.2020

DC Sonitpur Vacancy Details 2020

Post Name: Junior Assistant

No. of Posts: 28 [UR-07, SC-03, ST-06, ST (H) & EWS-07]

Educational Qualification:

(a) Candidates shall be a Graduate in Art, Science or Commerce from a University recognized by the State Government or a Degree equivalent thereof and recognized by the Government.

(b) Candidates must have proficiency in basic Computer Application like MS Windows, Linux, Mac Excel, PowerPoint, DTP (English/Assamese) and the internet etc. Candidates must possess a minimum of 6 (six) months Diploma in Computer Application from Institute recognized by the Government.

The scale of Pay: PB-2 Rs.14000-Rs.60500 + Grade Pay Rs.6200/- plus other allowances.

Age: Candidates must not be less than 18 years of age or more than 44 years of age as on 01.01.2019. The upper age is relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities and 3 years in case of OBC/MOBC. The age of the candidates will be calculated on the basis of Birth Certificate/Matriculation Certificates/HSLC Admit/Certificate issued by a recognized Board/Council. No other document shall be acceptable in lieu thereof for the purpose.

Selection Procedure of DC Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

→General English (75 marks)

→General Knowledge (50 marks)

→Quantitative Aptitude (25 marks)

→Computer Theory (50 marks)

→Language Skills (50 marks- Assamese/Bengali/Bodo/Alternative English).

→Only the shortlisted candidates will have to appear in a Computer proficiency test (50 marks).

How to Apply DC Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

(a) Candidates are required to apply in prescribed form through Online Mode only. No other mode for submission of application is allowed. The application form will be available online from 26.12.2019.

(b) Instructions for filling up in prescribed form will be available on the website: www.sonitpur.gov.in from 26.12.2019.

(c) Before applying online, candidates are advised to carefully go through the instructions provided in the above website.

(d) Candidates are required to upload the following documents:

→Latest passport size color photograph.

→Specimen Signature

→Admit Card/Passed Certificate & Mark Sheet of HSLC examination,

→Certificate/Mark Sheet of Graduate,

→Computer Proficiency Certificate

→Caste Certificate (If applicable)

→EWS Certificate (If applicable).

→Employment Exchange Registration Certificate.

→Experience Certificate (If any).

(e) It is mandatory for the candidates to mention a valid Mobile Number and email address in the application form. The Mobile Number and email address should be specific to each candidate.

(f) Candidates who are already employed will have to apply through proper channel and submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) from appointing authorities/controlling Officer to appear in the said examination.

(g) Incomplete/defective/invalid application will be summarily rejected.

Important Date of DC Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

Start date of online application: 26-12-2019 at 11:00 AM

Last date for submission online application: 14-01-2020 (Midnight)

Important Web Links of DC Sonitpur Recruitment 2020

Online Application Link:

Detailed Advertisement: Check Here

Increase Vacancies: Check Here