Police Recruitment 2020
Short Information: Delhi Police has given current
employment news for the recruitment of official website www.delhipolice.nic.in the notification of the posts “Head
Constable (Assistant Wireless Operator/Tele Printer Operator) (Group-C)”
in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job
details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement
& Apply.
Application Process: Online Mode
Location: Sikkim,
Nagaland, Arunachal, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam & other
Last Date:
Police Vacancy Details 2020
Post Name: Head Constable (AWO/TPO)
No. of Posts: 649 [UR-223, EWS-65, OBC-153, SC-126
& ST-82]
Education Qualification: 10+2 (Senior Secondary) pass from a
recognized Board with Science & Mathematics as subjects at the time of
filling up of application form.
National Trade
Certificate (NTC) in the trade of Mechanic-Cum-Operator Electronic
Communication System.
Note: Candidates who have not acquired the
educational qualification at the time of filling up of application form will
not be eligible and need not apply.
Professional Requirement:
→English word
processing speed-1000 key depressions in 15 minutes.
→Basic knowledge
of Computer Functions:- Opening/Closing of PC, Printing, MS Office usage,
saving & modification in typed text, paragraph setting & numbering, etc.
Pay Matrix Level: Level-4 Rs.25500-81100/-
Age Limit of Delhi
Police Recruitment 2020
The post is 18-27
years (UR/EWS) as on 01.07.2019 (i.e. candidates born not before 02.07.1992 and
not later than 01.07.2001). Permissible relaxation in Upper age limit for
different categories as under:-
SC/ST: 5 years
OBC: 3 years
Sportsmen/Sportswomen (UR/EWS/OBC): Up to the age of 32 years
Sportsmen/Sportswomen (SC/ST): Up to the age of 37 years
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially
separated and who are not remarried (UR/EWS): Up to the age of 35 years
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially
separated and who are not remarried (OBC): Up to the age of 38 years
Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially
separated and who are not remarried (SC/ST): Up to the age of 40 years
Department candidates (UR/EWS) who have
rendered three years regular and continuous service: Up to the age of 40 years
Application Fee of Delhi
Police Recruitment 2020
Male candidates
belonging to General (UR)/OBC/EWS category applying for recruitment to the post
should pay Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) as application fee through online
payment gateway system on www.delhipolice.nic.in.
Women candidate and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribe
and Ex-Servicemen category are exempted from paying application fee after
uploading the certificate/ discharge book or NOC. Fee once paid will not be
refundable under any circumstance and the fee paid by modes other than above
will not be accepted and applications of such candidates will be rejected forthright
and the payment made shall stand forfeited.
Method for Selection Process of Delhi
Police Recruitment 2020
(i) Computer-Based Examination: 100 Marks
(ii) Physical Endurance & Measurement Test
(PE&MT): Qualifying
(iii) Trade Test (Reading & Dictation): Qualifying
(iv) Test of Proficiency in Computer Operation.
→Test of English
Word Processing Speed-1000 key depression in 15 minutes.
→Test of Basic
Computer Functions: Opening/Closing of PC, printing, MS office usage, saving
& modification in typed text, paragraph setting & numbering, etc.: Qualifying
Syllabus of Delhi
Police Recruitment 2020
General Awareness: 20 marks
General Science: 25 marks
Mathematics: 25 marks
Reasoning: 20 marks
Computer Fundamentals,
MS Excel, MS Word,
Internet, www and
Web Browsers etc.: 10 marks
Time Duration: 90 Minutes.
How to
Apply Delhi Police Recruitment 2020
Applications must
be submitted in online mode only at the official website of Delhi Police i.e. https://delhipolice.nic.in. The Delhi
Police have devised a simplified format for the online application procedure and the candidate must read instructions “HOW TO APPLY” available on the website. The
facility of online application (including payment of fees through Net Banking,
any Credit/Debit Card & UPI) will be available from 28.12.2019 to 27.01.2020 (5.00 PM). However, candidates who wish to
make the payment through challan of SBI may make the payment to designated
branches of SBI within the working hours of the bank up to 28.01.2020 provided that the challan has been generated by them
before 5.00 PM of 27.01.2020.
Date of Delhi Police Recruitment 2020
Online Registration Opening Date: 28-12-2019
Online Registration Closing Date: 27.01.2020
Computer-Based Examination (CBT): To be notified later
Web Links of Delhi Police Recruitment 2020
Online Application Link: 28-12-2019 [Click Here]
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Official Website: Click Here
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