to the Advertisement date 04.10.2019 the establishment of Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Dibrugarh has been please to notify the schedule of the Written
Examination (100 marks) for the posts of Jarikarak & Office Peon in the
office of the Chief Judicial Magistrate Dibrugarh.
Date of
22.12.2019 05-01-2020
Venue: Common Room of
the Dibrugarh BAR Association, Phool Bagan, A.T. Road, Dibrugarh.
Written Examination for the Post of Office
Reporting Time: 9.30 AM
Examination Time: 10.00 AM to
12.00 Noon
Written Examination for the Post of Jarukarak
Reporting Time: 12.30 PM
Examination Time: 01.00 PM to 03.00
list of eligible candidates for the Written Examination with assigned Roll
Numbers have been published along with this notification. Candidatures of the
candidates are subject to fulfillment of eligibility conditions prescribed in
the advertisement and further scrutiny of application shall be done at later
stages. No calling letter will be issued separately to the candidates. The
candidates shall bring valid photo Identity proof and a copy of recent passport
size photo.
New Notification of the Written Examination: Click Here
Notification of the Written Examination: Click Here