Dibrugarh Recruitment 2020
Short Information: Regional Medical Research Centre,
North East Region has given current employment news for the recruitment of
official website www.rmrcne.org.in notification
of the post “Assistant Library and Information Officer” in recent the latest
vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed
all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply.
Application Process: Offline Mode
Location: Dibrugarh
Last Date:
RMRC-NE Dibrugarh Vacancy Details 2020
Post Name: Assistant Library and Information
No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)
Educational Qualification:
(i) Bachelor’s degree in Library Science or
Library and Information Science of a recognized University or Institute.
(ii) Two years of professional experience in a
Library under Central/State Govt./Autonomous or Statutory
Organization/PSU/University or Recognized Research or Educational Institute.
(iii) 5 (Five) years of regular service in Pay Level 6
(Rs.35,400-1,12,400/-) and successfully completed training of 4 weeks viz.
digitization of library, ISDN classification.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Master’s degree in Library Science or Library
and Information Science of a recognized University or Institute.
(ii) Diploma in Computer Applications from a
recognized University or Institute.
Mode of Recruitment: On Deputation Basis
Pay Matrix: Pay Level-7 Rs.44,900-1,42,400/-
of Selection of RMRC-NE Dibrugarh Recruitment 2020
1. Written Examination/Test: 50 percent of total marks.
2. Date of written test will be communicated to
the candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria through call letters. The
call letters along with the admit card will be sent in the self-addressed
envelope enclosed by the applicants during the time of submission of the
application. The information of the examination will also be uploaded on the
websites on ICMR and RMRC, Dibrugarh and no inquiry/request by any other mode
in this regard will be entertained.
How to
Apply RMRC-NE Dibrugarh Recruitment 2020
A. The
application form and other details can be downloaded from the website of
ICMR/RMRC Dibrugarh i.e. www.icmr.nic.in
or www.rmrcne.org.in.
B. Applicants
should legibly indicate the post applied for on the first page of prescribed “APPLICATION FORM” and affix one
passport size photograph. Application Form (hard copy only) accompanied with
self-attested copies of necessary supporting documents
(certificates/testimonials, degree, diploma, experience, caste certificate,
proof for date of birth, NOC from present employer, application fee, etc.)
should be sent in a sealed cover envelope superscribing on the top of envelope “Application
for the post of Asst. Library and Information Officer at ICMR-RMRC NE,
C. The applications should reach the address “The Director, ICMR-RMRC, Lahoal,
Dibrugarh-786010” through Speed
Post/Registered Post Only. Latest by 30.01.2020
along with non-refundable
application fee of Rs.300 (Rupees Three Hundred) only in the form of Indian Postal Order (IPO)/Demand Draft from
a Nationalized Bank, payable at Dibrugarh drawn in favor of
“Director, ICMR-RMRC, Dibrugarh”. The SC/ST candidates, persons with
Disabilities (PWD) and Women candidates are exempted from payment of the
application fee. The application fee is payable by all other candidates
including ICMR and allied Institutes employees. The fee once deposited will not
be refunded.
Date of RMRC-NE Dibrugarh Recruitment 2020
Last Date of submission of receipt Application: 30.01.2020
Web Links of RMRC-NE Dibrugarh Recruitment 2020
Application Form: Click Here
Detailed Advertisement: Check Here
Official Website: Click Here
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