Sikkim University Recruitment 2019 - 01 Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) [Walk-in]

Sikkim University Recruitment 2019 - 01 Post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) [Walk-in]

Sikkim University.
Walk-in Date: 21/12/2019.

Short Information: Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim has given employment notification for the recruitment of the post “Junior Research Fellow” in the latest vacancies 2019 in Sikkim. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Gangtok, Sikkim

Vacancy Details

Post Name: Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

No. of Post: 01 (one)

Qualification: First-class Master Degree in Horticulture/Agriculture/Life Science with ASRB-NET/CSIR-NET/GATE.

Desirable: Preference will be given to the candidates having experience in microbiology/medicinal plants/molecular biology/soil microbiology/organic farming, strong interest and background in field Surveying.

Title of the work: Documentation and validation of indigenous Knowledge-based agronomic practices for growth promotion and diseases management in organic farming in Sikkim state.

Pay: 31,000/- + HRA 8% per month for first two years and Rs.28,000/- + HRA 8% for third-year subject to performance.

Duration: Initially for six months but extendable up to the termination of project whichever is earlier, subject to performance review.

How to Apply

Candidate with adequate qualifications and appropriate experience in relevant subject/ specialization with good academic records may appear for Walk-in-Interview on 21.12.2019 at 11 AM onwards at Department of Horticulture, Sikkim University, 6th Mile, Tadong, Gangtok.

Desirous candidate may forward an advance copy of the application to Dr. Niladri Bag, Associate Professor (PI) by e-mail:

Candidates appearing for interview should bring original copies (with Xerox copy) of testimonials, bio-data, publications etc, along with an application.

Important Date

Walk-in-Interview will be held on dated: 21-12-2019 at 11 AM onwards.

Important Web Links

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