Assam University Recruitment 2023 – 24 Non Teaching Vacancy

Assam University Recruitment 2023 – 24 Non Teaching Vacancy

Assam University Notification 2023

Assam University (AUS), Silchar, has released an official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 24 Finance Officer, Director, Internal Audit Officer, Section Officer, Assistant, Hindi Translator, UDC, LDC, MTS, and Laboratory Attendant vacancy from Indian nations for filling up the non-Teaching posts in Assam University at its HQ in Silchar. All the details related to the Assam University Recruitment 2023 are given below.

Assam University Recruitment 2023

Mode of Apply

Online Form

Job Location

Silchar, Assam

Start Date to Apply

July 07, 2023

Last Date to Apply

August 31, 2023

Last Date of Hardcopy Submit

September 07, 2023

Official Website

Assam University Job Information Details

1. Finance Officer (Group-A)
No. of post: 01 (UR)
Pay: Level 14 (₹1,44,200-2,18,200).
Age limit: Below 57 years.

2. Director, College Development Council (CDC) Group-A
No. of post: 01 (UR)
Pay: Level 14 (₹1,44,200-2,18,200).
Age limit: Below 57 years.

3. Internal Audit Officer (On Deputation) Group-A
No. of post: 01 (UR)
Pay: Level-12: (₹78800-209200).
Age limit: Below 56 years.

4. Section Officer (Group-B)
No. of post: 01 (EWS)
Pay: Level-7: (₹44900-142400).
Age limit: Below 35 years.

5. Assistant (Group-B)
No. of post: 01 (EWS)
Pay: Level-6: (₹35,400-1, 12,400).
Age limit: Below 35 years.

6. Hindi Translator (Group-B) 
No. of post: 01 (PwBD)
Pay: Level-6: (₹35,400-1, 12,400).
Age limit: Below 35 years.

7. Upper Division Clerk (UDC) Group-C
No. of post: 01 (EWS)
Pay: Level-4: (₹25500-81100).
Age limit: Below 32 years.

8. Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Group-C
No. of posts: 04 (UR: 01, OBC: 01, SC: 01 & EWS: 01)
Pay: Level-2: (₹19900-63200).
Age limit: Below 32 years.

9. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Group-C
No. of posts: 09 (UR: 03, SC: 01, OBC: 03, ST: 01, EWS: 01)
Pay: Level-1: (₹18,000-56,900).
Age limit: Below 32 years.

10. Laboratory Attendant
No. of posts: 03 (UR: 01, PwBD: 02)
Pay: Level-1: (₹18,000-56,900).
Age limit: Below 32 years.

11. Library Attendant
No. of post: 01 (OBC)
Pay: Level-1: (₹18,000-56,900).
Age limit: Below 32 years.

Eligibility Criteria for Assam University 

1. Finance Officer: (i) A Master’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed. (ii) At least 15 Years of experience as Assistant Professor in the Academic Level 11 and above including as Associate Professor along with experience in educational administration.

2. Director, CDC: A Master’s degree with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent.

3. Internal Audit Officer: Deputation: By drawing officers belonging to Audit and Accounts Services or other similar organized Accounts Services in Central/ State Govt. holding analogous posts on regular basis.

4. Section Officer: A Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from any recognized University/Institute.

5. Assistant: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized University/Institute.

6. Hindi Translator: Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi with English as a compulsory or elective subject or as the medium of examination at the degree level.

7. UDC: A Bachelor’s degree from a recognized Institute/University.

8. LDC: A Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized Institute/University.

9. MTS: 10th Pass from a recognized Board OR ITI Pass.

10. Laboratory Attendant: 10+2 with science stream from any recognized Central/State Board OR 10th Pass from any recognized Central/State Board with Science as one of the subjects and skill certificate program in Laboratory Technology.

11. Library Attendant: 10+2 or its equivalent examination from a recognized Board.

Application Fee of Non-Teaching Posts

# A non-refundable Application fee of Rs. 1000/- shall be paid online through payment gateway by the candidates of UR, EWS and OBC categories for Post Sl. no. 1-5 and Rs 500/- for Post Sl. No. 6-11.

# No application fee shall be charged from the candidates of SC, ST, PWDs categories and Women candidates. However, they are required to pay Rs. 200/- towards postal charges.

How to Apply for Assam University Vacancy?

Online mode of submission of application form shall be essential followed by submission of downloaded signed hard copy with all enclosures properly attached in a sealed cover super scribed with “Application for the post of……” with Advertisement no. etc must reach on or before 7th September, 2023 by 5:00 pm to The Registrar, Assam University, Silchar, Raja Rammohan Roy Administrative Building, PO: Assam University, Pin Code-788011, Cachar, Assam.

Important Web-links for Assam University Vacancy

Assam University Recruitment Portal

Click to Apply

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