Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020 − Apply for Post Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation

Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020 − Apply for Post Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation

Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare Krishi Bhawan, Tripura, Agartala has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification of the post “Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura” in recent the latest vacancies 2020

Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare Krishi Bhawan, Tripura, Agartala has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification of the post “Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Tripura” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Tripura, Agartala

Last Date: 27.01.2020

Department of Agriculture Tripura Vacancy Details 2020

Post Name: Director of Horticulture & Soil Conservation

Eligibility Criteria:

a. Retired Government Officers/candidates having at least 3 (three) years experience ad Director of Horticulture or equivalent posts.


Retired Officers of Central Govt. organizations, who were drawing salary in the equivalent pay level 13 under the Pay Matrix of 7th CPC of Govt. of India.

b. The candidate must have a minimum qualification of M.Sc. degree in Horticulture.

c. Preference will be given to those candidates having a Ph.D. in Horticulture.

d. The candidates should be physically fit and mentally alert and also below 65 years of age. The contractual service for such period not exceeding one year at a time may be considered, but he or she should not be continued beyond completion of the age of 65 years.

How to Apply of Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020

The application in the plain paper must reach the Directorate of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, Agartala-799001, Tripura (West) on all working days during the period w.e.f. 13th January 2020 to 27th January 2020.

If any Application is found incomplete or sent through e-mail or received after the cut off date will not be considered. Further, the authority will not be responsible for any postal delay.

Self-attested photocopies of relevant documents pertaining to age, educational qualification, employment record, experience, etc. should accompany the application in an envelope superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF DIRECTOR OF HORTICULTURE & SOIL CONSERVATION, TRIPURA, AGARTALA”. However, the original documents should be produced at the time of interview.

Important Date of Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020

Last date for submission of application: 27-01-2020, during working days

Important Web Links of Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020

Detailed Advertisement: Check Here

Official Website: Click Here
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