DHE Assam Quantum of Scholarship 2020 – Apply Online For General/Medical/Engineering/Polytechnic Course

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DHE Assam Quantum of Scholarship 2020 – Apply Online For General/Medical/Engineering/Polytechnic Course

Directorate of Higher Education Assam
Advertisement for Awarding Scholarship (Fresh) for Girls Student Belonging to Minority Community Scholarships Scheme 2019-2020 Studying in Under Graduate/Post Graduate Courses in General Colleges /Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic and Medical Colleges.

The online application forms will be available in the website of Directorate of Higher Education website www.directorateofhighereducation.assam.gov.in from the intending domicile girls students of Assam belonging to Minority Community, who fulfills the following general criteria for the above mentioned scholarship schemes.

A. For General Course

B. For Medical Course

C. For Engineering Course

D. Polytechnic Course

Quantum of Scholarship:

A. For General Course

1. For UG level course: @Rs.6,000/- p.a.
2. For PG level course: @Rs.10,000/- p.a.

B. For Medical Course

1. For UG level course: @Rs.6,000/- p.a.
2. For PG level course: @Rs.10,000/- p.a.

C. For Engineering Course

1. For UG level course: @Rs.6,000/- p.a.
2. For PG level course: @Rs.10,000/- p.a.

D. For Polytechnica Course: @Rs6,000/- p.a.

General Conditions of Eligibility:

1. The Girl students belonging to the minority communities must be a domicile of Assam, who has secure not less than 50% marks in the previous qualifying examination. Permanent Resident Certificate issued from D.C./S.D.O. (Civil) is MANDATORY. P.R.C. issued by others will not be accepted.

2. The Girl students must belong to a notified minority community i.e. Muslims/Sikhs/ Christians/ Buddhists/Jains and Parsis.

3. The annual income of their parents/guardians from all sources should not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh only. Income Certificate issued by concerned Revenue Circle Officer is required in respect of parents/guardians of the student MANDATORY. Income Certificate issued by others will not be accepted.

4. A Self-Certified Community Certificate is required from the student countersigned by Circle Officer where the student is residing.

5. The scholarship shall be awarded to regular students studying in Govt./Provincialised Colleges, Central & State Universities, Medical Colleges, Engineering Colleges, Polytechnic in Undergraduate, Graduate and Post-Graduate Levels.

6. The students must have a valid Bank Account in their name in a Nationalized Bank. (Preferably SBI).

7. The Scholarship amount will be credited in the selected bank account through Direct Benefit Transfer mode (DBT).

8. Selection will be made strictly on the basis of budgetary provision for the year 2019-20.

9. If a student violates Institute discipline or any other terms and conditions of the scholarship, the scholarship maybe suspended or canceled.

10. If a student is found to have obtained a scholarship by false statement, her scholarship shall be canceled forthwith and the amount of the scholarship paid shall be recovered by the State Govt.

How to Apply:

Intending Minority Girl students fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria shall submit duly filled up online forms along with required documents in their respective Registrar/Principal/Head of the Institutions from 30th January to 10th February 2020.

The Registrar/Principal/Head of the Instructions will keep the hard copy application along with the supporting documents from students. After receiving application forms, the Selection Committee will scrutinize, compile and verify all the application forms and other relevant documents as per guidelines and instructions.

The Registrar/Principal/Head of the Institutions will submit the authenticated verified selected beneficiary list of the minority girls students with their seal and signature to their respective Directorate i.e. the Office of the:-

(1) Directorate of Technical Education, Assam.
(2) Directorate of Medical Education, Assam
(3) Directorate of Higher Education, Assam, on or before 15th February 2020 positively.

The Directorate of Technical Education, Assam, Directorate of Medical Education, Assam will submit the verified beneficiaries list on or before 19th February positively to the Office of the Directorate of Higher Education, Assam with their seal & signature.

List of the Documents to be submitted:

1) PRC from DC/S.D.O. as Proof of Domicile of State of Assam mandatory.

2) Income Certificate issued by concerned Revenue Circle Officer is required in respect of parents/ guardians of the student. All sources should not exceed Rs.2.00 lakh only.

3) A Self-Certificate Community Certificate is required from the student countersigned by Circle Officer where the student is residing.

4) Certificate from the Registrar/Head of an institution in which the candidate is at present studying.

5) Final mark sheet of the last qualifying examinations (i.e. H.S/T.D.C).

Applications in any Form (Soft Copy/Hard Copy) will not be entertained after the stipulated dates above.

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