the basis of the performance in the written test held on 29/12/2019 (Sunday)
the candidates bearing the following Roll Nos are found to have qualified for
appearing in the Interview/Viva-Voce for filling up the posts of Process Server
(1 Post), Office Peon (1 Post) and Chowkidar (1 Post) under the District &
Sessions Judge establishment, Dibrugarh at Naharkatia sub-division.
of Interview/Viva-Voce
Post: Process Server
Roll Numbers of eligible candidates: 29,43,53,66,79,96,105,108,123,138,171,208,209,215
Post: Office Peon
Roll Numbers of eligible candidates: 02,08
Post: Chowkidar
Roll Numbers of eligible candidates: 13,17,22,43,85,101,113
Date and reporting time: 30/01/2020 at 03.30 PM
Venue: Office Chamber of the District &
Sessions Judge.
candidate is to bring his/her testimonials in support of educational
qualification, age proof, certificate claiming reservation, experience
certificate, if any, etc, in original, along with a set of self-attested
photocopies and passport size photographs, for verification, on the day of
the candidate is presently employed in Central or State Government Services,
he/she will be required to produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the
present employer.
undersigned reserves the right to reject the candidature of any candidate at
any time subject to fulfillment of all the criteria mentioned in the advertisement dated 04/10/2019.