Gauhati University Recruitment 2020 − Apply 01 for Jr. Statistical Asstt.

Gauhati University Recruitment 2020 − Apply 01 for Jr. Statistical Asstt.

Office of the Registrar:: Gauhati University (GU), Guwahati has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification of the post “Jr. Statistical Asstt.” in recent the latest vacancies 2020

Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Office of the Registrar:: Gauhati University (GU), Guwahati has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification of the post “Jr. Statistical Asstt.” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement & Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Guwahati

Last Date: 20-01-2020

Total Vacancies: 01

Gauhati University Vacancy Details 2020

Post Name: Jr. Statistical Asstt.

No. of Post: 01 (one)

Educational Qualification: B.Sc. passed with Mathematics/Economics/Statistics as the major subject with at least 50% marks in major. Preference will be given to candidates having Diploma in Computer Application and having knowledge in data analysis.

Age Limit: Not less than 21 years and more than 44 years as on the date of the interview. Upper age is relaxable as the existing G.U. Rule.

Pay (consolidated): Rs.18,000/ (eighteen thousand) only per month.

How to Apply of Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

Prescribed application form, the details of qualifications & others are available in the University website: The candidates may download the application form from the above website. Application in any other form will not be accepted.

Candidates will be required to pay an amount of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred) only by Demand Draft in favor of the “Registrar, Gauhati University” payable at SBI, G.U. Branch as an application fee for the post. Completed applications in the prescribed form along with necessary enclosures must reach “The Registrar, Gauhati University, Guwahati-14 latest by 20.01.2020. Two copies of the application with all testimonials are needed to be submitted. The envelope containing the application form must indicate the name of the post & advertisement no.

Attested copies of Mark-Sheets, Birth Certificate, Educational Certificate, and Experience Certificates etc. must be attached to the application. Incomplete applications or applications without relevant enclosures will be rightly rejected.

Important Date of Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

Last Date for Submission of Application: 20-01-2020

Important Web Links of Gauhati University Recruitment 2020

Detailed Advertisement & Application Form: Check Here

Official Website: Click Here
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