AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020 − Apply For 38 LT/Computer Assistant/Farm Manager/Others @ Posts

AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020 − Apply For 38 LT/Computer Assistant/Farm Manager/Others @ Posts

AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, Agartala is current employment news for the recruitment of official website notification for the posts Subject Matter Specialist, Lab Technician, Computer Assistant, Farm Manager & others in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement and Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: West Tripura, Agartala

Last Date: 15.03.2020

Total Vacancies: 38 Nos.

AGRI Tripura Vacancy Details 2020

1. Post Name: Subject Matter Specialist

No. of Posts: 20 (UR-08, ST-08 & SC-04)

Educational Qualification: Candidate must possess a Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned discipline.

Pay Band: Rs.15600-39100 with RGP Rs.5400/-

2. Post Name: Lab Technician

No. of Posts: 04 (UR-02, ST-01 & SC-01)

Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or other branches of science relevant to Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized university.

Pay Band: Band-2, Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

3. Post Name: Computer Assistant

No. of Posts: 03 (UR-01, ST-01 & SC-01)

Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/Computer Application or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

Pay Band: Band-2, Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

4. Post Name: Farm Manager

No. of Posts: 03 (UR-01, ST-01 & SC-01)

Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture or other branches of science relevant to Agriculture or equivalent qualification from a recognized University.

Pay Band: Band-2, Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

5. Post Name: Assistant

No. of Posts: 04 (UR-02, ST-01 & SC-01)

Educational Qualification: Master in Business Management/Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management /M.A./M.Com. Two years of experience working as a Junior Accountant or Senior Clerk dealing with financial and accounts matters.

Pay Band: Band-2, Rs.9300-34800 + Grade Pay Rs.4200/-

6. Post Name: Skill Supporting Staff

No. of Posts: 04 (UR-02 & ST-02)

Essential: Matriculation passes qualification from a recognized Board.

Desirable: Diploma in Agriculture and/or Allied courses, some work experience, technical skills.

Pay Band: Band-I, Rs.5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.1800/-

Age Criteria: The age criteria to be followed as per State Govt. norms with a minimum age of 18 (eighteen) years and upper age limit of 40 (forty) years as on 01.02.2020 and relaxable by 5 (five) years, in case of ST/SC/PH candidates for all posts of KVKs.

Syllabus of AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

Subject Matter Specialist (SMS):

1. MCQ on Agronomy/Horticulture/Agri. Extension: 100 marks

2. Part A: MCQ on Plant Pathology: 50 marks

2. Part B: MCQ on Agril. Entomology: 50 marks

3. MCQ in Fisheries: 100 marks

4. MCQ on Animal Science: 100 marks

Syllabus: As per syllabus Agriculture Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB)

Farm Manager:

Part A: MCQ on General Agriculture: 50 marks
Part B: MCQ on General Horticulture: 50 marks

Syllabus: Bachelor Degree level Syllabus of Agri./Horti.

Programme Assistant (Computer):

MCQ on Application of Computer Science: 100 marks

Syllabus: Bachelor Degree level Syllabus of relevant subject.

Programme Assistant (Lab.Tech):

Part A: MCQ on General Agriculture: 50 marks
Part B: MCQ on General Horticulture: 50 marks

Syllabus: Bachelor Degree level Syllabus of Agri./Horti.

Assistant (Office):

Part A: MCQ on General English: 50 marks
Part B: MCQ on General Knowledge: 50 marks

Syllabus: Master in Business Management/Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management/M.A./M.Com Syllabus.

Skilled Supporting Staff:

MCQ on General English: 100 marks

Syllabus: As per Madhyamik Level Syllabus.

Total duration/timing of written test for all candidates for all categories of posts will be 90 minutes. The question paper will be set in English only and there will be a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.

How to Apply of AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

Interested candidates satisfying the eligibility criteria mentioned above are requested to submit their applications in the format given below on plain A-4 size paper, along with self-attested copies of the certificates pertaining to their qualifications, date of birth, category, experience, etc. The application form duly completed in all respects should be sent to the Director, Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Krishi Bhawan, P.O. Agartala, Dist. West Tripura Pin-799001.

Application as per prescribed formats (for all categories except Senior Scientist & Head) if not submitted on the prescribed format or incomplete or sent through mail or received after due date will not be considered. Further, the authority will not be responsible for any postal delay. Applications will be received separately on the issuance of receipt token in the respective counter during the Office hours till 5.30 pm.

Self-attested photocopies of the relevant documents pertaining to age, educational qualification, employment record, Caste Certificate, Experience, etc. Should accompany the application form in an envelope superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF …………………. UNDER KVK” in block letter, however, the original certificates should be produced at the time of interview for verification.

Important Date of AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

The last date of submission of Offline Application: 15-03-2020

Important Web Links of AGRI Tripura Recruitment 2020

Detailed Advertisement: Check Here

Application Form 5th Page: Click Here

Official Website: Click Here
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