District & Session Judge, Morigaon Recruitment 2020 − Apply 04 For Driver/Peon/Safai Karmachari/Mali

District & Session Judge, Morigaon Recruitment 2020 − Apply 04 For Driver/Peon/Safai Karmachari/Mali

District & Session Judge Morigaon Recruitment 2020

District & Session Judge Morigaon Recruitment 2020

Short Information: Office of the District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon has given current employment news for the recruitment of official website www.morigaonjudiary.gov.in notification of the posts “Driver, Peon, Safai Karmachari & Mali” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement and Apply.

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Morigaon, Assam

Last Date: 29.02.2020

Total Vacancies: 04 Nos.

District & Session Judge Morigaon Vacancy Details 2020

1. Post Name: Driver

No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)

Educational Qualification: Class X pass

Mandatory Criteria: Should possess a valid transport driving license with a minimum of 3 (three) years of experience.

Monthly Remuneration: Rs.15,000/- (Fixed)

2. Post Name: Peon

No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)

Educational Qualification: Class VIII pass, but should not be class XII passed

Monthly Remuneration: Rs.15,000/- (Fixed)

3. Post Name: Safai Karmachari

No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)

Educational Qualification: Class VIII pass

Monthly Remuneration: Rs.9,000/- (Wage basis)

4. Post Name: Mali

No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)

Educational Qualification: Class VIII pass

Monthly Remuneration: Rs.9,000/- (Wage basis)

Age limit: Candidates must not be less than 18 years or more than 38 years of age as on 29.02.2020. However, for candidates belonging to particular Caste/Tribe, the age relaxation shall be as per existing Govt. norms.

How to Apply of District & Session Judge Morigaon Recruitment 2020

The applications should reach the undersigned on or before 29.02.2020 along with supporting testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste and Experience (if any) etc. Incomplete Applications and Application received after 29.02.2020 will be summarily rejected.

Candidates must have to enclose the following testimonials along with their application:

Self-attested copies of certificates, mark sheets in support of their educational qualification, age, caste, experience, etc.

3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs.

Candidates have to mention their Contact Number at the bottom of the Application Form.

The application should be addressed to the District & Sessions Judge, Morigaon, Assam, Pin-782105.

Important Date of District & Session Judge Morigaon Recruitment 2020

The last date for submission of Offline Application: 29-02-2020

Important Web Links of District & Session Judge Morigaon Recruitment 2020

Detailed Advertisement: Check Here | Here

Official Website: Click Here
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