Interview Notice
This is for
information of all the candidates who have applied for the post of Field
Assistant vide advertisement dated 22.01.2020. That a written test examination is
hereby scheduled on Thursday, the 27th February 2020 at 10.30 AM
onwards in the Administrative Building of JMCH, Jorhat as per schedule details
below. The candidates shall have to present themselves on the scheduled date one an hour before the commencement of the written test positively they shall
have to bring a proof of identity while coming for appearing in the Written
Test Examination.
Name of the Post: Field Assistant
No. of Posts: 02
(UR-01 & OBC-01)
Date & Time
of Written Test: Thursday, the 27th February 2020 at 10.30 AM
Venue: Administrative Building, JMCH, Jorhat.
List of Selected
Candidates: Click Here