Sikkim Recruitment 2020
Short Information: Rural Development Department, Sikkim is the current employment news for the
recruitment of official website www.sikkim.gov.in
notification for the post “GIS Analyst (GA)” in recent the
latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have
completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement and Apply.
Application Process: Offline Mode
Location: Gangtok,
Walk-in Date:
Total Vacancies: 01 no.
Sikkim Vacancy Details 2020
Post Name: GIS Analyst (GA)
No. of Post: 01 [one]
Qualification: M.Sc/ M.Tech/ M.Sc (Tech) in
Geo-Science/ Geo-Informatics/Remote Sensing and GIS/GIS Geography/Earth
Salary: Rs 30,000/- to 45,000/- per month depending on
skill and experience in GIS
Eligibility criteria:
i. The GA should have basic knowledge of GIS, be
able to operate QGIS/ArcGIS and prepare /modify/update shapefiles as and when
required and compile from various sources such as satellite imagery/ toposheet,
reports, etc.
ii. The GA should know operations such as buffer,
spatial join and conducting geometry/topology checks.
iii. The GA should be able to operate Google Earth
and prepare KML files as when required.
iv. Experience in AutoCAD and database management
is a plus.
v. The GA should have relevant knowledge of IT
systems and Excel.
vi. Should have 3+ years of professional
experience in GIS.
How to
Apply of RDD Sikkim Recruitment 2020
The local desirous candidates having requisite qualifications and
fulfilling the above criteria’s may come for appearing in walk-in-interview
along with an application and all the certificates in original in support of
their qualification, experience as well as no objection certificate from the
present employer, if any, in the Conference Hall of Rural Management Department
on 25th February 2020 from 11 am onwards.
Date of RDD Sikkim Recruitment 2020
held on dated: 25-02-2020
from 11 AM
Web Links of RDD Sikkim Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advertisement: Check Here
Official Website: Click Here