SSA Darrang
Recruitment 2020
Short Information: District Mission Co-ordinator, SSA, Darrang
is current employment news for the recruitment
of official website www.ssa.assam.gov.in
notification for the posts “Full Time/Part Time Assistant Teacher”
in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job
details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read Advertisement and
→Application Process: Offline Mode
→Location: Darrang,
→Last Date:
→Total Vacancies: 04 Nos.
SSA Darrang
Vacancy Details 2020
1. Post Name: Full Time Asstt. Teacher (Arts)
→No. of Post: 01 (reserved for female)
→Qualification: Graduate in Arts and B.Ed. from
recognized University with Secondary TET.
→Preference: Candidates having B.Ed. and experience in
Teaching on non-availability of Secondary TET qualified candidates.
→Essential: Graduation in Arts and B.Ed. from recognized
→Preference: Experience in Teaching
→Fixed Honorarium per month: For Secondary TET qualified candidates
Rs.7000/- per month. For Non-TET candidates Rs.15,000/- per month.
→Age Limit: Below 45 years as on 01.01.2020
2. Post Name: Full Time Asstt. Teacher (Science,
→No. of Post: 01 (reserved for female)
→Qualification: Graduation in Science (Royal) and
B.Ed. from a recognized university with Secondary TET.
→Preference: Candidates having B.Ed. and experience in
Teaching on non-availability of Secondary TET qualified candidates.
→Essential: Graduation in Science (Royal) and B.Ed. from
recognized university.
→Preference: Experience in Teaching
→Fixed Honorarium per month: For Secondary TET qualified candidates
Rs.17000/- per month. For Non-TET candidates Rs.15,000/- per month.
→Age Limit: Below 45 years as on 01.01.2020
3. Post Name: Part Time Asstt. Teacher (English)
→No. of Post: 02 (reserved for female)
→Qualification: Graduation in Arts with Major in
English and B.Ed. from recognized University with Secondary TET.
→Preference: Candidates having B.Ed. and experience in
Teaching on non-availability of Secondary TET qualified candidates.
→Essential: Graduation in Arts with Major in English and
having B.Ed. from recognized University.
→Preference: Experience in Teaching
→Fixed Honorarium per month: Rs.11,000/- per month
→Age Limit: Below 45 years as on 01.01.2020
How to
Apply of SSA Darrang Recruitment 2020
Application in
Plain Paper stating:-
i) Name of Applicant.
ii) Permanent Address.
iii) Address for communication
iv) Contact Telephone/Mobile No.
v) Age on 1st January 2020.
vi) Educational Qualification.
vii) Professional Qualification.
viii) Working Experience along with one attested
copy of passport size photograph and attested copies of Testimonials relating
to Educational and Professional Qualification, Experience, etc. should be
submitted to the o/o the undersigned by 28.02.2020 during office hours.
Date of SSA Darrang Recruitment 2020
→The last date of
submission of Offline Application: 28-02-2020
Web Links of SSA Darrang Recruitment 2020
→Detailed Advertisement: Check Here
→Official Website: Click Here