Assam Agriculture University Written Test 2020: Post of Accounts Manager

Assam Agriculture University Written Test 2020: Post of Accounts Manager

Assam Agriculture University Written Test

The written test for the Contractual Post of Accounts Manager under the project APART against Adv.No. DR(A)/1,2020 is scheduled to be held on 29.03.2020 (Sunday)  from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. The total marks of the question paper will be of 100.

Calling letters to the eligible candidates have already been sent by post. In case of non-receipt of Calling Letter in time due to postal delay, the eligible candidates may attend the written test with a download copy of the concerned page of this Notification along with a valid ID proof document.

The candidates will not be allowed to carry mobile/cell phone/calculator or any other electronic gadgets, edible items, etc. into the Examination Hall. The lists of eligible candidates showing Roll Numbers and The venue of the Written Test are given below.

The candidates are advised to remain present at the Examination Centre 10.30 a.m. and the candidates will not be allowed to enter into Examination Hall after 11.00 a.m.

The candidates are advised to bring one copy of self attested passport size photograph for handing over to the Invigilator in the Examination Hall/Room in order to verify the identity of the candidates.

No TA/DA will be paid to the eligible candidates for appearing in the written test.

Venue/Centre: Academic Complex (IDA Building) behind Dr. M.C. Das Memorial Auditorium, Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat-785013.

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