DLSA Hojai Recruitment 2022 – 04 Defense Counsel Vacancy

DLSA Hojai Recruitment 2022 – 04 Defense Counsel Vacancy

DLSA Hojai Recruitment 2022: Office of the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Hojai has released official advertisement notification for the recruitment of 04 Chief Legal Aid Counsel, Deputy Chief Legal Defense Counsel and Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel vacancy under the establishment of the DLSA Hojai. The interested and eligible candidates may apply here.


Application Process Offline Form
Job Location Hojai
Last Date 14/09/2022
Official Portal districts.ecourts.gov.in

DLSA Hojai Job Information Details

1. Chief Legal Aid Counsel
No. of vacancy: 01 (One)

Educational Qualification: 

# Practice in Criminal Law for at least 10 years.
# Excellent oral and written communication skills.
# Excellent understanding of criminal law.
# Thorough understanding of ethical duties of a defence counsel.
# Ability to work effectively and efficiently with others with capacity to lead.
# Must have handled at least 30 criminal trials in Sessions Courts, aforesaid condition of handling of 30 criminal cases can be relaxed in appropriate circumstances.
# Knowledge of computer system, preferable.
# Quality to lead the team with capacity to manage the office.

Honorarium: Rs.65000/- to 80000/-

2. Deputy Chief Legal Aid Defense Counsel
No. of vacancy: 01 (One)

Educational Qualification:

# Practice in Criminal law for at least 7 years.
# Excellent understanding of criminal law.
# Excellent oral and written communication skills.
# Skill in legal research.
# IT knowledge with proficiency in work.

Honorarium: Rs.40000/- to 60000/-

3. Assistant Legal Aid Defense Counsel
No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)

Educational Qualification:

# Practice in criminal law from 0 to 3 years.
# Good oral and written communication skills.
# Thorough understanding of ethical duties of defence counsel.
# Ability to work effectively and efficiently with others.
# Excellent writing and research skills.
# IT knowledge with high proficiency in work.

Honorarium: Rs.20000/- to 35000/-

How to Apply for DLSA Hojai Recruitment?

The applicant will have to submit duly filled in application form as issued by NALSA with the head “APPLICATION FOR ENGAEMENT AS FULL TIME LEGAL AND LAWYER IN LEGAL AID DEFENSE COUNSEL SYSTEM”

The following list of documents is to be attached along with the application forms:-

# Self-attested copy of certificates in support of educational qualifications.

# Self-attested copy of certificate in Enrollment issued by the Bar Council under the Advocates Act, 1961.

# Self attested copy of Photo Identity Card, Address Proof.

# Self-attested copy of ITR for last 3 years (if available).

# Attach an experience certificate issued by the Bar Association/Council.

# Photo copies of judgements in 5 Sessions cases, represented as Defense lawyer, (for the post of Chief/Deputy Legal Aid Defense Counsel).

# Photocopies of at least 5 cross examinations in Sessions cases (for Chief/Deputy Legal Aid Defense Counsel).

# Candidates are required to fill up the application form along with all relevant documents.

Completed applications along with all testimonials as mentioned above can be sent through speed post or in an envelope personally in the “Office of the Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Hojai, Court Campus, Sankardev Nagar, Dist. Hojai, Assam, Pin-782442” on or before 14th September, 2022 by 17.00 hours.

Important Web-links for DLSA Hojai Recruitment

DLSA Hojai Form Click Here
DLSA Hojai Extension Click Here
DLSA Hojai Advt. Click Here
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