Assam Police Platoon Commander Syllabus & Others Details

Assam Police Platoon Commander Syllabus & Others Details

Assam Police Platoon Commander Syllabus

Assam Police Platoon Commander Syllabus: State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Selection Procedure, Written Test, Practical Test, Biometrics, Final Selection & Syllabus details are given below….

Selection Procedure & Others for Assam Police:


Candidates whose applications are found correct in all respects will be called for a written test. The date and venue for the written test will be intimated in due course of time. The Chairman reserves the right to change the venue of the test and no representation etc. will be entertained in this regard. Before entering the examination center, biometrics of each candidate will be done.

The written test will be of 100 marks and will be completely OMR based. There will be 100 questions and each question will be of 1 (one) mark. There will be negative marking of ½ marks for each wrong answer. The questions will be set in three parts:-

(i) Logical reasoning, aptitude, comprehension
(ii) Matters relating to History and Culture of Assam and India and
(iii) General Knowledge. Candidates will use a black or dark blue ball pen to answer the OMR based answer sheet. The duration of the test will be of 3 (three) hours.

Candidates numbering only 5 times the number of posts in respect of each category (Unreserved, OBC/MOBC, S.T. (P), S.T.(H) & EWS) both male & female will be called for PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) on a merit basis. If there are candidates scoring the same marks in Written Test as the last candidate selected for the PST (Physical Standard Test) and PET (Physical Efficiency Test) by the 5 times formula in a particular case, the candidates scoring the same marks will also be called for the PST/PET, and therefore the number may exceed the 5 times to that extent for that particular case and category only. A list will be published on SLPRB website as well as in leading dailies of Assam.

Testimonials/Documents to be submitted when appearing in PST/PET: The candidates should bring a set of attested photocopies along with the originals of the following documents for verification by the Selection Committee on the date of PST/PET. Candidates failing to bring the originals will not be considered for such qualifications as claimed by him/her and no further rectifications will be entertained
After the test date. The date and venue for PST & PET will be intimated in due course of time.

i. Certificate of proof of age. (Admit card of H.S.L.C. or equivalent examination).

ii. Certificate of HSLC or equivalent examination.

iii. Certificate of Graduation (BA/B.Sc/B.Com or equivalent) (pass certificate as well as mark sheet in original).

iv. NCC ‘B’ Certificate OR Home Guard training Certificate.

v. Certificate of additional qualification such as Degree/Diploma Certificate from recognized/accredited institute etc. (pass certificate as well as mark sheet in original).

vi. Certificate of Sports/Games etc. (For which the candidate would be claiming weightage of marks).

vii. Experience of service in Home Guards.

viii. Certificate of Caste from the competent authority in respect of the candidates belonging to ST (P)/ST (H) /SC/OBC & MOBC.

ix.EWS Certificate from Competent Authority, if any.

x. 2 (two) copies of photographs of the same passport the size which was uploaded in the online application.

2. BIOMETRICS OF CANDIDATES AND SCRUTINY OF DOCUMENTS: The biometric of the candidates taken at the time of the written test will be validated/matched and call letters of the candidates will be checked before the candidates are allowed to appear in the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET) as per the given eligibility criteria. Rejection slip specifying the reason for rejection will be given to the candidates who are rejected in any stage of PST & PET. All original documents along with a set of Photostat copies of candidates who qualify in the PST/PET will be checked. Submission of any incorrect information or forged document at any stage will lead to disqualification of the candidate and may also render him/her liable to criminal prosecution. Original documents of a candidate may be put to check at any later stage of the recruitment process. All the Photostat copies submitted by the candidates will have to be self-attested by the candidate.

3. PHYSICAL STANDARD TEST: After the Call letter and the identity are found correct, the candidates will be asked to appear in the PST. The PST will carry no marks. Measurement of the height, weight, and chest (only for Males) of the candidates will be taken after which the candidate will be inspected by a medical officer for preliminary checkup like knocked knee, vision test, color blindness test, flat foot, varicose vein, physical deformities, etc. Varicose vein shall be considered a temporary disqualification. Once a candidate clears the PST, he/she will have to appear in the Physical Efficiency Test (PET).


The Physical Efficiency Test will carry 40 marks. It will have 2 (two) events viz.

a) 1600 meters race for male candidates and 800 meters race for female candidates. Long Jump – for male 335 cm (minimum) and for female 244 cm (minimum). (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

b) Male candidates:

a) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in 1600 meters race to be completed within 450 seconds. Maximum qualifying time 450 seconds.

b) Long Jump: Minimum 335 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Award of marks for 1600 meters.

Time is taken 300 Sec. or less: 20 marks
For the next 30 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.12 marks per second.

Thus, for 330 Sec. or less but more than 329 Sec.: 16.4 marks
For the next 40 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.08 marks per second.

Thus, for 370 Sec. or less but more than 369 Sec.: 13.2 marks
For the next 40 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.05 marks per second.

Thus, for 410 Sec. or less but more than 409 Sec.: 11.2 marks
For the next 40 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.03 marks per second.

Thus, for 450 Sec. or less but more than 449 Sec.: 10 marks
For time more than 450 Sec. no marks will be awarded and the candidate will be declared as disqualified.

Award of marks for Long Jump

For less than 335 cm no marks will be awarded and the candidate will be declared as disqualified. A valid jump of 335 cm is the minimum qualifying level.

Marks for 335 cm: 10 marks
For the next 65 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.04 per cm.

Thus, marks for 400 cm: 12.6 marks
For the next 50 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.06 per cm.

Thus, marks for 450 cm: 15.6 marks
For the next 30 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.08 per cm.

Thus, marks for 480 cm: 18 marks
For the next 20 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.10 per cm.

Thus, marks for 500 cm: 20 marks
No additional marks will be awarded for a jump of more than 500 cm.

Female Candidates.

b) Race: Those who qualify in the PST will have to appear in 800 meters race to be completed within 240 seconds. Maximum qualifying time - 240 seconds.

c) Long Jump: Minimum 244 cm for long jump (3 chances to be given and the longest valid jump rounded off to the nearest cm will be considered for awarding marks).

Award of marks for 800 meters Race:

Time is taken 160 Sec. or less: 20 marks
For the next 20 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.16 marks per second.

Thus, for 180 Sec. or less but more than 179 Sec.: 16.8 marks
For the next 20 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.14 marks per second.

Thus, for 200 Sec. or less but more than 199 Sec.: 14.0 marks
For the next 20 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.12 marks per second.

Thus, for 220 Sec. or less but more than 219 Sec.: 11.6 marks
For the next 20 Sec. of time taken, marks will decrease at the rate of 0.08 marks per second.

Thus, for 240 Sec. or less but more than 239 Sec.: 10.0 marks
For time more than 240 Sec. no marks will be awarded and the candidate will be declared as disqualified.

Award of marks for Long Jump:

For less than 244 cm no marks will be awarded. A valid jump of 244 cm is the minimum qualifying level.

Marks for 244 cm: 10 marks
For the next 45 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.04 per cm.

Thus, marks for 289 cm: 11.8 marks
For the next 30 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.06 per cm.

Thus, marks for 319 cm: 13.6 marks
For the next 30 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.08 per cm.

Thus, marks for 349 cm: 16 marks
For the next 40 cm, marks will increase at the rate of 0.10 per cm.

Thus, marks for 389 cm: 20 marks
Marks for a valid jump of more than 389 cm: 20 marks.

No additional marks will be awarded for a jump of more than 389 cm.

5. PROFICIENCY IN COMPUTERS - Max Marks – 30 (thirty)

(a) ACADEMIC- 10 marks

(i) Master of Computer Application (MCA) - 10 (ten) marks.

(ii) Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) - 07 (seven) marks.

(iii) 2 (two) years Diploma from any Govt./UGC recognized/accredited Universities/Institutions. - 06 (six) marks.

(iv) 1 (one) Year Diploma from any Govt./UGC recognized/accredited Universities/Institutions - 04 (four) marks.

(v) Minimum 6 (six) months course in Computers from any Govt./UGC recognized/accredited Universities/Institutions - 02 (two) marks.

(b) Field Practical (Practical test of each candidate on computer) - 20 (twenty) marks.

6. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES:-  Maximum Marks - 30 (thirty)

A. NATIONAL CADET CORPS (NCC) - Maximum Marks – 05 (five)

NCC ‘C’ Certificate - 05 (five) marks

B. HOME GUARDS - Maximum Marks – 05 (five)

Home Guards who have completed advanced training and having 2 (two) years experience as deployed Armed Home Guard - 05 (five) marks

C. SPORTS - Maximum Marks – 10 (ten)

(i) Represented India in International events recognized by the International Olympic Committee in any discipline and received medals. - 10 (ten) marks.

(ii) Represented India in International events recognized by The International Olympic Committee in any discipline. - 08 (eight) marks.

(iii) The national-level Sportsperson who represented the State in any discipline recognized by the Indian Olympic Association and received medals. - 06 (six) marks.

(iv) The national-level Sportsperson who represented the State in any discipline recognized by the Indian Olympic Association. - 04 (four) marks.

(v) State-level Sportsperson who represented District in State Level Competition and won medals in any discipline recognized by the Indian Olympic Association - 02 (two) marks.


(i) 45 % - 59.99 % marks in BA/B. SC/B.Com or equivalent examination in aggregate - 02 (two) marks.

(ii) 60 % and above marks in BA/B.Sc/B.Com or equivalent examination in aggregate - 04 (four) marks.

(iii) a) 45 % to 59.99 % marks in B. Tech/Degrees in Engineering/MBBS/BDS/LLB (after H.S. ) - 04 (four) marks.

b) 60 % and above marks in B. Tech/degrees in Engineering/MBBS/BDS/LLB (after H.S) - 06 (six) marks.

iv) Additional Degrees- MA/M. Sc/M.Com/MBA/LLB (after graduation)/LLM/PG in other Streams - 06 (six) marks.

Note: However, candidates possessing both the degrees mentioned at sl. iii (b) & iv above will get a maximum of 10 marks.


(i) Based on the aggregate performances (marks obtained) of the candidates in the Written Test, Physical Test, Computer proficiency and Extra-Curricular Activities, the selection will be made category-wise for the post of Platoon Commander.

(ii) The Final Merit List will be prepared with the following criteria:-

1) Written Exam 50% - 100 marks
2) Proficiency in Computer 15% - 30 marks
3) Extra-curricular Activities 15% - 30 marks
4) Physical Efficiency Test (PET) 20% - 40 marks
Total:  200 marks.

There will be only ONE merit list for each category i.e. Unreserved, OBC/MOBC, SC, ST (P), ST(H) & EWS, separately for male and female for the entire State. There will be no waiting list.


(i) In case of a tie in marks, the candidate older in age will be placed higher in the merit list. Further, candidates having the same date of birth and have obtained equal marks, the taller candidate will be placed higher in the merit list.

(ii) In case, posts reserved for EWS are not filled up by candidates belonging to EWS category due to shortage of the eligible candidates, the posts will be filled up from the candidates of unreserved category.
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