CGHS Wellness Centre Recruitment 2022: Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS), Guwahati has released an employment notification for the recruitment of 15 Retired Officers and Staff Vacancy in Guwahati, Silchar, Dibrugarh, Gangtok and Kohima. Interested and Eligible Candidates may apply here.


Application Process Offline Form
Job Location Silchar, Guwahati,
 Dibrugarh, Kohima, Gangtok
Last Date 23/05/2022
Official Website

CGHS Wellness Centre Job Information Details

1. Nursing Officer

  • No. of vacancy: 01 (One)
  • Wellness Centre: Dibrugarh
  • Qualification: In addition to certificate of Nursing from recognized Institute, candidate having basic knowledge of computer will be preferred.
  • Remuneration: A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain uncharged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment/percentage increase during the contract.
  • Age limit: Not exceeding 65 years
2. Pharmacist (Allopathic)

  • No. of vacancy: 05 (Five)
  • Wellness Centre: Guwahati, Silchar, Dibrugarh, Gangtok & Kohima
  • Qualification: In addition to certificate of Pharmacist from recognized Institute, candidate having basic knowledge of computer will be preferred.
  • Remuneration: A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain uncharged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment/percentage increase during the contract.
  • Age limit: Not exceeding 65 years
3. Lower Division Clerk (LDC)

  • No. of vacancy: 05 (Five)
  • Wellness Centre: Guwahati
  • Qualification: In addition to certificate of previous service documents, candidate having basic knowledge of computer will be preferred.
  • Remuneration: A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain uncharged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment/percentage increase during the contract.
  • Age limit: Not exceeding 65 years
4. MTS (MA)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)
  • Wellness Centre: Silchar
  • Qualification: (i) 10th class pass or equivalent from a recognized institution. (ii) Certificate in First Aid from Central Government or State Government recognized Institute. (iii) Candididate those who having basic knowledge of computer will be preferred.
  • Remuneration: A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain uncharged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment/percentage increase during the contract.
  • Age limit: Not exceeding 65 years
5. MTS (MA)

  • No. of vacancy: 02 (Two)
  • Wellness Centre: Silchar & Dibrugarh
  • Qualification: (i) 10th class pass or equivalent from a recognized institution. (ii) Certificate in First Aid from Central Government or State Government recognized Institute. (iii) Candididate those who having basic knowledge of computer will be preferred.
  • Remuneration: A fixed monthly amount shall be admissible, arrived at by deducting the basic pension from the pay drawn at the time of retirement. The amount of remuneration so fixed shall remain uncharged for the term of the contract. There will be no annual increment/percentage increase during the contract.
  • Age limit: Not exceeding 65 years

How to Apply for CGHS Wellness Centre Recruitment

  1. The application form is attached herewith. Candidates are advised to fill the application form carefully. The applicants should be provide valid Email ID for smooth and fast communcations.
  2. Applicants desiours to apply for more than one post in more than one CGHS Wellness Centres, should submit separate applications forms for such posts in such cities.
  3. The filled in Application Form along with the required documents (as mentioned at Para 5 below) should be sent to the Additional Director, Central Govt. Health Scheme, A.K. Azad Road, Gopinath Nagar, Guwahati-781016 (Assam) on or before 23.05.2022.
  4. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as “Application for the post of………….”.
  5. Mandatory Enclosures: Self attested photocopies of Pension Payment Order, any document/ certificate of Retirement (attached copy of certificate showing age), Educational Qualification Certificate, Registration Certificate (for Nursing Officer and Pharmacist), 2 (two) recent passport size photographs, Experience Certificate (wherever applicable).

Important Web-links for CGHS Wellness Centre Recruitment

Application Form Click Here
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