Short Information: Office of the District and Sessions Judge (DSJ), Sonitpur has an official website sonitpurjudiciary.gov.in announced notification for the recruitment of Chief Administrative Officer (Sheristadar) vacancies 2020. Those candidates who are interested in the following post details and have fulfilled all the eligibility criteria may read the advertisement before apply offline.
Post Name: Chief Administrative Officer (Sheristadar)
Post Date: 20-06-2020
Sonitpur Judiciary, Tezpur
Advt No. 2337-2340
Sheristadar Position
Important Date
●Last date of
the undersigned on or before 18-07-2020
Educational Qualification
●The candidate must have served either as Sheristadar of
Additional District and Sessions Judge and/or as Head-Assistant in the
District and Sessions Judge establishment, continuously for a period of 2
(two) years or more.
Vacancy Details
Post Name
Chief Administrator
Officer (Sheristadar)
Rs.30,000/- to 1,10,000/- with GP Rs.14,500/- per month
How to Apply
intending candidates shall submit their applications through proper channel
by enclosing experience certificate issues by the respective District and Sessions
Judge along with all the testimonials and two recent passport size
District and Sessions Judge, Sonitpur, Tezpur
Important Web Links
Detailed Advertisement
Official Website
CJM, Sonitpur Recruitment 2020
(CJM) Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Sonitpur, Assam has
given released an employment news for the recruitment of the official
website sonitpur.gov.in or
sonitpurjudiciary.gov.in notification for the posts “Office Peon, Peon & Court Attached Peon” in fresher candidates in
recent the latest vacancies in CJM Sonitpur Recruitment 16th June 2020.
Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility
criteria can read the given below advertisement links and apply.
Application Process: Offline mode
Location: Sonitpur, Tezpur
Last Date: 16/06/2020
Total Vacancies: 07 Nos.
CJM, Sonitpur Vacancy 2020 Details
1. Post Name: Office Peon
No. of Post: 01 (OBC)
Requisite qualification: Class VIII passed and
up to Class-X passed.
Scale of Pay: Rs.12000-52000/- +
Grade Pay Rs.3900
2. Post Name: Court Attached Peon
No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved for
women only)
Requisite qualification: Class VIII passed and
up to Class-X passed.
Scale of Pay: Rs.12000-52000/- +
Grade Pay Rs.3900
3. Post Name: Peon (Attached peon)
No. of Posts: 05 (Unreserved-03,
STP-01 & OBC/MOBC-01)
Requisite qualification: Class VIII passed and
up to Class-X passed.
Scale of Pay: Rs.12000-52000/- +
Grade Pay Rs.3900
Age limit: Candidates must not
be less than 18 years of age or more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2020. The
upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms.
How to Apply of CJM, Sonitpur Recruitment 2020
1. The application with self attested
copies of all testimonials regarding Educational Qualification, Age, Caste,
Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card, along with 3 (three) copies of
recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the reverse
side should reach the office of the undersigned.
2. The applicant should mention their
Mobile Numbers in the application without fail.
3. Envelope
containing application should indicate the name of the post and category to
which they applied for on the top in the Block letters as: “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF OFFICE PEON/COURT ATTACHED PEON/PEON
(ATTACHED PEON). Women candidates who
wish to apply under “Women Reserved
Category” against the post mentioned in the Sl. No. 1 & 2 shall indicate
their choice in the Standard Application Form as well as in the top of the
Envelope. Those who failed to do so, their application shall not be considered
under the said category.
The application should be addressed:
The Chief Judicial
Sonitpur, Tezpur.
Important Dates of CJM, Sonitpur Recruitment 2020
Date of
Published in the Advertisement: 01-06-2020
Last Date
for submission of Offline Application: 16.06.2020
Important Web Links of CJM, Sonitpur Recruitment 2020
Standard Form Part IX of Assam Gazette:
Click Here
Detailed Advertisement: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here