Walk-in Date: 19/06/2020
ICMR|RMRCNE Vacancy 2020 Details
1. Post Name: Medical
Social Worker
No. of Posts: 02 (two)
Essential Qualification: Graduate
degree in Medical Social Work/Social Work from a recognized university with 5
(five) years of research experience in relevant field.
Degree in Medical Social Work/Social Work.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Experience in the field of health
(ii) Knowledge of data analysis,
scientific paper writing experience.
Rs.32,000/- per month
Age limit: Upper age
30 years
2. Post Name: Project
Technical Officer
No. of Posts: 05 (five)
Essential Qualification: Graduate
degree in Medical Social Work/Social Work from a recognized university with 5
(five) years of research experience in relevant field.
Degree in Medical Social Work/Social Work.
Desirable Qualification:
(i) Experience in the field of health
(ii) Knowledge of data analysis,
scientific paper writing experience.
Rs.32,000/- per month
Age limit: Upper age
30 years
How to Apply of ICMR|RMRCNE Recruitment
who seek to appear for online interview may e-mail their application in the
prescribed format along with the scanned copies of their marksheets and
testimonials in advance positively by 17th June, 2020, to the
address icmrrcdi@nic.in. The date and time
of the interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates via email.
Important Dates of ICMR | RMRCNE
Recruitment 2020
Date to Apply Online: 11-06-2020
Date to Apply Online: 17-06-2020
•Date of Interview Online: 19-06-2020
Important Web Links of ICMR | RMRCNE
Recruitment 2020
Form 3rd Page: Click Here
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