DSE Assam Recruitment 2025: The official website of madhyamik.assam.gov.in has published an employment news in Assam notification for the recruitment of Graduate Teachers (GT) (Arts, Science, Hindi, and Sanskrit) and Post Graduate Teachers (PGT) in various provincialized and Government Secondary Schools under the Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE), Assam.
Directorate of Secondary Education (DSE) Assam
GT & PG Vacancies
Advt. No. DSE 2024
NorthEastJob.in |
Important Dates |
Date of Notification |
17.10.2024 |
Start Date to Apply |
21.10.2024 |
Last Date to Apply |
08.12.2024 |
Start Date for Download Admit Card |
15.12.2024 |
Last Date for Download Admit Card |
29.12.2024 |
Vacancy Details |
Post Name |
No. of Posts |
PGT (Provincialized SS) |
1385 |
PGT (Government SS) |
102 |
GT (Provincialized SS) |
8004 |
GT (Government SS) |
226 |
Age Limit
Application Fee
How to Apply?
Important Links |
Online Application |
Answer Key |
Question Papers |
Answer Key |
Advertisement (PGT) |
Advertisement (GT) |
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Eligibility Criteria for DSE 2024
1. Post Graduate Teachers (PGT)
(i) The applicant must be a postgraduate in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks (or its equivalent) from a recognized university and should possess a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) qualification from an institution recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education. Degrees obtained in off-campus and distance education modes shall not be considered valid.
(ii) The candidate shall have to read the same subject as one of the subjects at the degree level.
(iii) In additional to be academic and professional qualification, the applicant must satisfy the following criteria: -
(a) In case of Assamese Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Assamese language as one of the subjects or have diploma in Assamese Language issued by the Assam Sahitya Sabha or read up to HSLC level in Assamese Medium School.
(b) In case of Bengali Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bengali language as one of the subjects or have Diploma in Bengali issued by the Barak Upatyaka Bangya Sahitya O Sanskriti Sammelan or read up to HSLC level in Bengali Medium School.
(c) In case of Hindi Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Hindi language as one of the subjects or read upto HSLC level in Hindi Medium School.
(d) In case of Bodo Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bodo language as one of the subjects or read upto HSLC level in Bodo Medium School.
(e) In case of English Medium School, the applicant must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with alternative English as one of the subjects or read from Class XI onwards in English Medium School.
#Provided that for recruitment of teachers for teaching MIL subjects the candidate, who passed HSLC Examination with particular MIL Subject shall be considered.
Physical fitness: The applicant for the post of Graduate Teacher shall be: (i) of sound health both mentally and physically and free from any organic defect or bodily infirmity which is likely to interfere in the efficient performance of his duties; and (ii) required to undergo medical examination before appointment to the service.
2. Graduate Teacher (GT)
(i) Graduate Teacher (Science): The candidate must be a science graduate or postgraduate in science from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in either graduation or postgraduation (or its equivalent) and a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from a recognized institution(s) recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education.
(ii) Graduate Teacher (Arts): The candidate must be an Arts/Commerce Graduate or Post Graduate in Arts/Commerce from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in either graduation or postgraduation (or its equivalent) and a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from a recognized institution(s) recognized by the National Council for Teacher Education.
(iii) Graduate Teacher (Hindi): (i) Pravin/Ratna in Hindi with 50% marks and degree qualification with 50% marks or postgraduate degree in arts with 50% marks from any recognized university, or BA with 50% marks and having Hindi as one of the subjects with 50% marks or postgraduate degree in arts with 50% marks provided that he has passed BA with one of the subjects as Hindi with 50% marks in Hindi. (ii) B.T./B.Ed. degree from any recognized university (PARANGAT to be treated as a B.Ed. degree only for the purpose of Hindi teaching).
(iv) Graduate Teacher (Sanskrit): (i) Shastri with 50% marks and having degree qualification with 50% marks or a postgraduate degree in arts with 50% marks from any recognized university, or BA with 50% marks and having Sanskrit as one of the subjects with 50% marks or a postgraduate degree in arts with 50% marks in Sanskrit. (ii) a B.T. or B.Ed. degree from any recognized university.
Off-campus Degree: As per the Assam Secondary Education (Provincialized Schools) (Amendment) Service Rules, 2021, those institutions having territorial jurisdiction outside the State of Assam but having a study centre in the State and such study centres if not recognized by DEC under UGC, the degrees/certificates issued by such off-campus institutions shall not be considered as valid for the purpose of employment under Education Department. However, degrees/diplomas conferred by KKHSOU, IGNOU, IDOL under Gauhati University and Distance Education under Dibrugarh University shall be considered as valid for the purpose of employment.
Medium of Instruction:
(i) In case of Assamese Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Assamese Language as one of the subjects or having Diploma in Assamese Language issued by the Axom Sahitya Sabha or read up to HSLC level in Assamese medium School.
(ii) In case of Bengali Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent examination with Bengali language as one of the subjects or having Diploma in Bengali language issued by the Barak Upatyaka Bangya Sahitya O Sanskriti Sammelan or read up to HSLC level in Bengali medium School.
(iii) In case of Hindi medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Hindi language as one of the subjects or read up to HSLC level in Hindi medium School.
(iv) In case of Bodo Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Bodo language as one of the subjects or read up to HSLC level in Bodo Medium School.
(v) In case of English Medium School, the candidate must have passed HSLC or equivalent Examination with Alternative English as one of the subjects or read from Class XI onwards in English Medium School.
Additional Information
(i) The Examination Venue district will be Cachar, Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Kamrup, Kamrup Metro, Kokrajhar, Lakhimpur, Nalbari and Sonitpur. Candidate will have to select his/her Examination Venue district during filling up of online application form.
(ii) All applicants should have Employment Exchange Registration Number. However, those who have applied for the Registration Number but not yet received, they will also be allowed to apply but they have to obtain Employment Exchange Registration Number mandatorily before appointment.
(iii) There will be a common Recruitment Test for all Graduate and Post Graduate Teachers, both for Government and Provincialized Schools. Hence, a final merit list will be prepared in respect of Government and Provincialized Schools.