NESAC Meghalaya Recruitment 2020
North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC) has given released an employment news for
the recruitment of the official website nesac.gov.in
notification for the posts “Junior
Research Fellow (JRF)” in experience candidates in recent the latest vacancies
in NESAC Meghalaya Recruitment 19th June 2020. Candidates who are
interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read
the given below advertisement links and apply.
Application Process: Online mode
Location: Umiam, Meghalaya
Last Date: 19/06/2020
NESAC Meghalaya Vacancy 2020 Details
Post Name: Junior Research
Fellow (JRF)
No. of Posts: 05 (Five)
Essential Qualifications:
•MSc. Forestry/
Ecology & Environment/Environmental Science/Botany/Agriculture/Geography/
Geoinformatics or equivalent with NET/GATE or equivalent.*
•M.Sc in
Physics/Mathematics/Atmospheric Science/Space Science/Atmospheric
Physics/Physical Science or equivalent with NET/GATE or equivalent.*
•M.Tech. RS &
GIS/Geoinformatics or equivalent with Graduation in Science.
Desirable Credentials:
in Remote Sensing & GIS/ Geoinformatics/ Geomatics/Spatial Information
•Minimum one year experience of Remote
Sensing and GIS Applications for any thematic applications, Geotagging exercise
Fellowship amount: Rs.31,000/- per
Age Limit: Maximum Age 28 years
as on 19.06.2020 but relaxable by 5 years in case of SC/ST and 3 years in case
of OBC candidates. Persons with Disabilities are eligible for age relaxation as
per Government of India orders.
How to Apply of NESAC Meghalaya Recruitment 2020
•The application form
will be hosted in the NESAC web-site www.nesac.gov.in from 27.05.2020. Last date for submission of On-line Application Forms
is 19.06.2020 and closing time will
be 16.00 Hrs. Candidates need to apply through
online mode only.
•After registration take a print
out of the application summary and the print-out is to be brought along
with passport size photograph and documents supporting the data furnished in
application at the time of Interview. Please note that site will not be open
for printing after 16:00 hours of 19.06.2020 Registration Number
should be recorded by the Candidate for all future correspondences with NESAC
with regard to this advertisement.
•In case of any
issues pertaining to online application, candidates may send mail to applications@nesac.gov.in with clearly
mentioning the name of the post in the subject of the e-mail otherwise the
query may not be responded and NESAC will not be responsible for not
Important Dates of NESAC Meghalaya Recruitment 2020
•Date of Published in
the Advertisement: 29-05-2020
•Last Date for
submission of Online Application: 19.06.2020
Important Web Links of NESAC Meghalaya Recruitment 2020
Apply Online: Click Here
Detailed Advertisement: Click Here
Official Website: Click Here