Behali Degree College Recruitment 2020: 20 Professor, Laboratory Assistant Vacancy

Behali Degree College Recruitment 2020: 20 Professor, Laboratory Assistant Vacancy

Behali Degree College, Borgang, Biswanath, Assam has current employment news for the recruitment of Assam Tribune notification for the 20 posts of “Assistant Professor, Laboratory Assistant and Laboratory Bearer” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. 

Application Process: Offline Mode

Location: Biswanath, Assam

Last Date: 28th August 2020

Total Vacancy: 20 Posts.

Behali Degree College (BDC), Biswanath

Assistant Professor, Laboratory Assistant/Bearer  Vacancy

Important Date

Last date to Apply Offline: 28/08/2020
Vacancy Details

🔘 (a) Assistant Professor


No. of Posts: 15 (Fifteen)

1. Botany: 03 [OBC/MOBC:02 & UR:01]
2. Chemistry: 03 [UR:02 & STP:01]
3. Mathematics: 03 [OBC/MOBC:01, UR:01 & UR-EWS:01]
4. Physics: 03 [UR:01, OBC/MOBC:01 & SC:01]
5. Zoology: 03 [UR:02 & STP:01]

Qualification: The candidates must have 55% (or an equivalent grade point scale) at Master’s Degree level in the concerned subject. A relaxation of 5% marks may be provided to the Ph.D. holders, who have obtained their Master’s Degree prior to 19th Sept. 1991. Eligibility like M.Phil/Ph.D./Seminar Papers publication can be acquired and submitted on the date of interview and not beyond.

🔘 (B) Laboratory Assistant

No. of Post: 01 [UR]

Qualification: Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce from a recognized college/institution affiliated to recognized University and must possess 3 months diploma in computer. The candidate should have working knowledge in Assamese and English typing in MS Word and simple Excel.

🔘 (C) Laboratory Bearer

No. of Posts: 04 [UR:01, STP:01, OBC/MOBC:01 & SC:01]

Qualification: H.S.L.C. passed from Govt. recognized Board/ Council.
Age limit

The age of the candidates should not be more than 38 years as on 01.01.2020 with relaxation as per Govt. rule.
Application Fee

Assistant Professor: A Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) only drawn in favour of President/Secretary, Behali Degree College, Biswanath, Assam, payable at SBI, Behalo Branch must be submitted along with the application.
How to Apply

Application in the format prescribed by the DHE, Assam along with Complete Bio-Data and all testimonials from HSLC onwards from eligible candidates having latest UGC norms for direct recruitment.

The candidates must have PRC and proficiency in local language for Teaching and Non-Teaching posts. In-Service candidates must apply through proper channel with NOC from the appointing authority. Applications belonging to EWS category must submit certificate from the competent authority in the format prescribed by Govt. of Assam.
Important Web Link
DHE Assam Form
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