Tinsukia Govt. Model College Recruitment 2020: 20 Assistant Professor & Librarian Vacancy

Tinsukia Govt. Model College Recruitment 2020: 20 Assistant Professor & Librarian Vacancy

PNGB, Govt. Model College, Kakopathar Tinsukia, has current employment news for the recruitment of Assam Tribune notification for the 20 posts of “Assistant Professor and Librarian” in recent the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Job details and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process: Online Mode

Location: Tinsukia, Assam

Last Date: 22nd August 2020

Total Vacancy: 20 Posts.

PNGB, Govt. Model College (Tinsukia)

Assistant Professor & Librarian Vacancy

Important Date

Last date to Apply Online via email: 22/08/2020
Vacancy Details

🔘 Assistant Professor


No. of Posts: 20 (Twenty)

1. English: 04 [UR:01, OBC/MOBC:01, STH:01 & UR-EWS:01]

2. Assamese: 03 [UR:01, OBC/MOBC:01 & STP:01]

3. Economics: 03 [UR:02 & OBC/MOBC:01]

4. Education: 03 [UR:01, OBC/MOBC:01 & SC:01]

5. Political Science: 03 [UR:01, OBC/MOBC:01 & UR-EWS:01]

6. Sociology: 03 [UR:01, STP:01 & UR-PWD:01]

7. Librarian: 01 [UR]

Qualification: Good Academic record with at least 55% marks or equivalent grade point at the Master Degree level (5% is relaxable to the candidates belonging to SC/ST/PwD category) in the concerned subject. Candidates must have cleared NET/SLET/SET conducted by the UGC/CSIR or similar test accredited by UGC like SLET Commission. The candidate having Ph.D. degree in accordance with the UGC (minimum standards & procedure for award of Ph.D. degree) regulation, 2009 shall be exempted from the requirement of the minimum eligibility conditions of NET/SLET/SET.

Pay Scale: Rs.57700-182400/- with other allowances.
Age limit

Candidates should not be more than 38 years of age as on 01.01.2020 with relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST/PWD and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.
How to Apply

Application with relevant documents along with a Demand Draft of Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) drawn in favour of Principal, Padmanath Gohain Boruah Govt. Model College, Kakopathar, Payable at SBI, DoomDooma Branch must reach the undersigned with 15 days from the date of publication.

The soft copy of application to be sent via email: principalpngb2020@gmail.com to the Principal, PBGB Govt. Model College, Kakopathar and hard copy to be submitted at the time of interview only.
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