CAU Meghalaya Recruitment 2020
of Agricultural University (CAU), Meghalaya has released employment news of official
website cau.ac.in notification for the recruits 01 post of “Senior Research Fellow (SRF)” in the latest
vacancy 2020. Candidates who are interested in Jobs details given below and
have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.
Application Process
Offline Form
Walk-in Date
29th October 2020
Umiam, Meghalaya
Name of the University
Central Agricultural University (CAU)
CAU Meghalaya Recruitment Details 2020
Senior Research Fellow (SRF)
No. of Post: 01 (One)
(1) Master
degree in Agricultural Economics.
(2) Ready
to travel.
(1) Knowledge
of Statistical analysis (STATA, SAS and SPSS etc) of Socio-economic data.
(2) Knowledge
of Econometrics.
(3) Experience
in collecting, compiling and analysis of primary data and writing of reports.
Preference will be given to PhD in Agricultural Economics.
Salary: Rs.31,000/- + 8% HRA
How to Apply CAU Meghalaya Recruitment
candidates are requested to walk in interview for Senior Research Fellow (SRF) position in CAU-NDRI, collaborative project entitled “Estimation of production
and utilization pattern of milk and milk products in India” on 29/10/2020 at
10.30 am with a copy of detailed CV, Photograph, covering letter clearly
mentioning the post.
Central Agricultural
University, Imphal
Email: deancpgs@gmail.com
Important Web Links of CAU Meghalaya
Recruitment 2020
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