DECT Assam Recruitment 2020
of Employment & Craftsmen Training (DECT), Assam has released employment news notification
for the recruitment 444 posts of “Stenographer, Tech.
Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Pharmacist, Instructor Stenography, Junior
Instructor, Hostel Superintendent, Store Keeper and Dresser (ITI)” in the
latest DECT Assam vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in DECT Assam Jobs
details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read
advertisement and apply Online.
Application Process
Online Form
All Assam
Last Date
10th October 2020
Name of the Department
Directorate of Employment & Craftsmen Training (DECT), Assam
DECT Assam Recruitment Details 2020
Name of Posts
No. of Posts
Stenographer (English), Grade-III (HQ
(a) Graduate in any discipline from
recognized University/Institute.
(b) NCVT passed certificate from recognized
ITI of Assam with 40 wpm computer type speed and 120 wpm in shorthand in
Tech. Assistant (HQ)
(a) Passed HSLC or Equivalent Certificate
from recognized Board/Institute.
(b) Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with
3 years industries experience which include teaching experience up to 2 years
is essential.
(c) Computer proficiency desirable.
Statistical Assistant (Employment Wing)
(a) Graduate from recognized university
with Economics or Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subject in
(b) Computer proficiency desirable
Pharmacist (ITI)
(a) Higher Secondary passed from recognized
(b) Diploma in pharmacy from recognized
(c) Must have one year experience of in
relevant field.
Instructor-Stenography (English)
(a) B.Voc/Degree in Commerce/Arts (with
shorthand & Typing) from a UGC recognized University with 1 year experience
in the relevant field. Or,
(b) Diploma (minimum 2 years) in Commercial
practice from recognized board or relevant Advance Diploma (Vocational with 2
years experience in relevant field. Or,
(c) National Trade Certificate/National
Apprenticeship certificate in relevant trade with 3 years experience in the
relevant field.
(d) Relevant National Craft Instructor
Training Certificate (NCIC) for all the Category of above mentioned
qualification is preferable.
Junior Instructor
(a) Passed HSLC or Equivalent Certificate
from recognized Board/Institute.
(b) Passed National Apprenticeship
Certificate or National Trade Certificate in appropriate trade.
(c) Minimum 1 year Industries/Teaching experience
from reputed institute is desirable.
(d) Craft Instructor Training passed certificate
is preferable.
(a) Junior Assistant (HQ)
(a) Graduate in any discipline from
recognized university or any examination declared equivalent.
(b) Minimum 6 (six) months certificate in
Computer course from recognized institute.
(C) Proficiency in Computer in MS-word, MS
Excel is desirable.
(b) Junior Assistant (ITI)
(c) Junior Assistant (Zone Level Employment
Hostel Superintendent-Cum-Physical Training
(a) Graduate in Physical Education from
recognized university or any examination declared equivalent.
(b) Computer knowledge is preferable.
Store Keeper (ITI)
(a) Passed HSLC or Equivalent Certificate
from recognized Board/Institute.
(b) 6 (six) months Computer Certificate is
(c) NCVT passed from recognized ITI in any
trade is essential.
(d) 3 (three) years professional experience
in handling industries store with knowledge of inventory control from
recognized establishment. Or,
(e) 3 years Diploma in Engineering from
recognized institute with 1 year experience in handling Industrial Store with
knowledge of inventory control from recognized establishment and 06 (six)
months computer certificate is essential.
Librarian (ITI)
(a) Higher Secondary passed from recognized
University/Board/Council and Diploma in Library Science.
(b) Must have 1 (one) year experience of
using computer and Computer Application having Library Software and Digital
Library management system.
(c) Preference will be given to candidate
having higher qualification in Library Service.
Dresser (ITI)
(a) Passed HSLC or Equivalent Certificate
from recognized Board/Institute.
(b) Certificate of Dresser from recognized Institute
or 5 years working knowledge in any Hospital/Nursing Home as Dresser.
(a) Grade-IV (Workshop Attendant/Store Attendant
(i) Class VIII passed from Govt. recognized
School or any examination declared equivalent.
(ii) For Hostel Cook (ITI), candidate
should have experience in cooking from Hotel/Institute of repute.
(b) Grade-IV (HQ)
(i) Class VIII passed from Govt. recognized
School or any examination declared equivalent.
(ii) Preference will be given to the
candidate having Technical Aptitude and work experience minimum of one year
in relevant field along with Trade Certificate (NCVT/SCVT) from recognized
(c) Grade-IV (ITI)
(d) Grade-IV (Zone Level Employment
Age limit of DECT Assam Recruitment
Candidate should not be more than 40 years
and less than 18 years of age as on 1st January 2020, (candidate
must be born on or before 01.01.2002 and one or after 01.01.1980).
Relaxation: Upper age limit is relaxable as under:
(i) 5 (five) years in case of candidates
belonging to SC, STP & STH.
(ii) 3 (three) years in case of candidates
belonging to OBC/MOBC.
(iii) 2 (two) years in case of Ex-Servicemen.
(iv) 10 (ten) years in case of PwD candidates
irrespective of castes. A candidate must possess Benchmark Disability and must
produced supporting necessary certificate issued by the competent authority
along with the Application Form.
Selection Procedure of DECT
Assam Recruitment 2020
There will be two tests for requirement of
all the posts:
(a) First Phase Test
(i) General Mathematics.
(ii) English & Vernacular (Grammar &
Comprehension & Composition).
(iii) Logical Reasoning and Aptitude.
(iv) Assam’s History, Geography, Polity &
(v) General awareness/General Knowledge and
Current affairs.
The duration of the Written test will be of 2
½ hours. The test will be of 100 marks with 100 questions and will be
completely OMR based. Each question will carry 1 (one) mark. There will be
negative marking of ½ (half) mark for each wrong answer.
(b) Second Phase Test
After completion of the written test, a merit
list will be prepared for each category of posts including Zone-wise posts (Jr.
Asstt. & Grade-IV) for both (male and female) on the basis of total marks
scored in written test. Candidates will be called for Second Phase Test in
order of merit at the rate of 5 (five) times the number of post allotted in
respect of each category for both male and female as per the vacancies. If
there are candidates scoring the same marks in Written Test as the last
candidate selected for Second Phase test by the 5 times formula in a particular
case, the candidates scoring the same marks will also be called for Second
Phase Test and therefore, the number may exceed the 5 times to that extent for
that particulars case and category only. The Second Phase Test will be computer
based exam to test the knowledge of posts applied and proficiency in computer
Final Selection of DECT
Assam Recruitment 2020
The final merit list will be prepared posts
and category wise on the total marks scored in First Phase/Written Test and
Second Phase/Practical Test as shown below:-
Grade III Posts:
(1) Stenographer (English), Grade-III:
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT): 50 marks
(iii) Stenography Test: 50 marks
(2) Instructor-Stenographer (English):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT): 50 marks
(iii) Stenography Test: 50 marks
(3) Statistical Assistant (Employment Wing):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(4) Junior Assistant (HQ)/Junior Assistant (ITI)/Junior Assistant (Zone
Level Employment Exchange):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(5) Hostel Superintendent cum Physical Training Instructor:
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(6) Pharmacist (ITI):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(7) Librarian (ITI):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(8) Tech. Assistant (HQ)
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(9) Junior Instructor:
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(10) Dresser (ITI):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
(11) Store Keeper (ITI):
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 50 marks
Grade-IV Posts
Based on the aggregate marks obtained by the
candidates in the Written Test & Practical Test the Final Merit List will
be prepared category wise as under:
(i) First Phase/Written Test: 100 marks
(ii) Second Phase Test (CBT on Trade): 15 marks
How to Apply DECT Assam Recruitment
candidates having the required essential qualification for the posts as
mentioned above may apply for the post by submitting their first preference,
second preference, third preference as so on.
Candidates giving preference for the post of Junior Assistant (EE Zone Level)
can select only one Zone as mentioned in Para 2 (7) (c) (i) to (vi) and also
for the post of Grade-IV (EE Zone Level), candidate can select only one Zone
mentioned in para 2 (12) (d) (i) to (vi) as preference see advertisement.
Important Dates of DECT
Assam Recruitment 2020
Start Date to Apply Online
Last Date to Apply Online
Important Web Links of DECT
Assam Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advertisement
Process to Apply Online
22/09/2020 [Link Activated]
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