DES Assam Recruitment 2020
of Economics & Statistics (DES), Assam has released employment news for
official website slprbassam.in notification for the recruitment 133 posts of
“Sub-Inspector of Statistics, Junior Artist-cum Draftsman, Junior Assistant
(Hqrs.) and other” in the latest DES Assam vacancies 2020. Candidates who
are interested in DES Jobs details given below and have completed all
eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply online.
Application Process
Online Form
Last Date
15th October 2020
Name of the Department
Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DES)
DES Assam Vacancies Details 2020
1. Sub-Inspector of Statistics
No. of Posts: 35 [UR:15, OBC/MOBC:10,
SC:02, STP:03, STH:01 & EWS:04]
Qualification: The Candidates must be a
Graduate in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent with
Mathematics/Statistics/Economics as one of the subjects from a recognized
(i) Candidates having 6
(six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer proficiency from a recognized
ii) Candidates having good
working knowledge of office productivity software, tools (independent of any
operating system, i.e.MS Windows, Linux, MAC etc.) such as Word Processor,
Spread sheet, Presentation graphics, Concept of database, internet and e-mail.
2. Junior Artist cum Draftsman
No. of Post: 01 [UR]
a) Higher Secondary (10+2)
or equivalent examination passed in any stream from recognized Board /Council
and having diploma/certificate in fine Arts from recognized Art Institution.
b) Knowledge in Computer
graphics presentation etc.
3. Junior Assistant (Hqrs)
No. of Posts: 12 [UR:05, OBC/MOBC:04,
SC:01, STP:01 & EWS:01]
a) A candidate must be a
Graduate in Arts, Science, Commerce or equivalent from a recognized University
or any examination declared equivalent by the Government.
b) A candidate must
possess minimum 6(six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer proficiency from
a recognized Institute.
Desirable: Experience in drafting
in English and Assamese précis composing is desirable. Good working knowledge
of all the software of MS office and other ICT tools.
4. Primary Investigator/Computor
No. of Posts: 30 [UR:15, OBC/MOBC:08,
SC:01, STP:03 & EWS:03]
Qualification: Higher Secondary (10+2)
or equivalent examination passed in any stream from recognized Board/Council
with Mathematics / Statistics as one of the subject.
i) Candidates having 6
(six) months Diploma/Certificate in Computer proficiency from a recognized
ii) Candidates having good
working knowledge of office productivity software, tools (independent of any
operating system, i.e. MS Windows, Linux, MAC etc.) such as Word Processor,
Spread sheet, Presentation graphics, Concept of database, internet and e-mail.
5. Field Assistant
No. of Posts: 55 [UR:23, OBC/MOBC:14,
SC:04, STP:06, STH:02 & EWS:06]
Qualification: H.S.L.C or equivalent
examination passed from recognized Board with Mathematics as one of the
Desirable: Candidate having
knowledge of Computer proficiency for data collection and transmission from
field level through online. Preference will be given to those candidates who
have got knowledge/experience of field work of statistical nature.
Age limit of DES Assam Recruitment 2020
should not be more than 40 years and less than 18 years of age as on 1st
January, 2020 (Candidate must be born on or before 01-01-2002 and on or after
Relaxation: Upper age
limit is relaxable as under:
i. 5 (five) years in case
of candidates belonging to SC, ST (P) & ST (H).
ii. 3 (three) years in case
of candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC.
iii. 2 (two) years for
iv. 10 (ten) years in case
of PwD candidates irrespective of castes. For the purpose of determining the
age limit, the SLPRB will accept only the date of birth recorded in the
Matriculation or equivalent examination certificate/Admit card issued by a
recognized education Board. No other document relating to age such as
horoscope, affidavit, birth extract from Municipal Corporation, Health
Department, service record etc. will be accepted.
Selection Procedure of DES
Assam Recruitment
Candidates whose applications are found correct
in all respects will be called for Written Tests which will be conducted at any
convenient venue(s) depending upon the number of candidates. The candidates
will have to appear for the Written Test at the venue mentioned in his/her call
letter. However, the Chairman, SLPRB, Assam reserves the right to change the
venue (s) of the test as necessitated and no representation etc. will be
entertained in this regard.
Before entering the venue (s) for Written Test,
biometrics of each candidate will be done.
Written Tests
will be conducted for the candidates as follows:
Name of Posts
with subjects
with subjects
Sub-Inspector of Statistics
i) General
ii) General
Any one of the
following subjects
i) Mathematics,
ii) Economics,
iii) Statistics
Primary Investigator/
i) General
ii) General
Any one of the
following subject
Field Assistant
i) General
ii) General
i) Mathematics
Junior Artist cum Draftsman
i) General
ii) General
Only practical
test including Arts for 50 marks
Junior Assistant (Hqrs)
i) General
ii) General
Only practical
test for 50 marks
Sub-Inspector of Statistics and Jr. Assistant (Hqrs):
i) There will be one common question paper for
the posts of Sub-Inspector of Statistics and Junior Assistant (Hqrs):-
The duration of the test will be of 2 ½ hours.
The Paper will be of 100 marks with 100 questions and will be completely OMR
based. Each question will carry 1 (one) mark. There will be negative marking of
½ (half) mark for each wrong answer.
b) Primary
Investigator/Computor, Field Assistant and Jr. Artist cum Draftsman.
i) There will be one common question paper for
the posts of Primary Investigator/Computor, Field Assistant and Jr. Artist cum
The duration of the test will be of 1 ½ hours.
The Paper will be of 50 marks with 50 questions and will be completely OMR
based. Each question will carry 1 (one) mark. There will be negative marking of
½ (half) mark for each wrong answer.
Sub-Inspector of Statistics:
i) Questions will be set on the following
subjects i) Mathematics, ii) Economics and iii) Statistics. Candidates will
have to answer any one of the subject.
The duration of the test will be 2 ½ hours. The Paper
will be of 100 marks with 50 questions and will be completely OMR based. Each
question will carry 2 marks. There will be negative marking of 1 (one) mark for
each wrong answer.
b) Primary
i) Question will be set on i) Mathematics and
ii) Statistics and Candidates will have to answer any one of the subject.
c) Field
Question will be set on Mathematics.
The duration of test for the post of Primary
Investigator/Computor and Field Assistant will be of 1½ hours each. The paper
will be of 50 marks with 50 questions and will be completely OMR based. Each
question will carry 1(one) marks. There will be negative marking of ½ (half) mark
for each wrong answer.
How to Apply DES Assam Recruitment 2020
Candidates having the required essential qualification for the posts as
mentioned above may apply for the posts by submitting their first preference,
second preference, third preference and so on.
Important Web Links of DES Assam Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advertisement
Process to Apply Online
Telegram Channel