DHS West Tripura Recruitment 2020
Directorate of Health Services (DHS), West Tripura has released employment news for
official website tripuranrhm.gov.in notification for the recruitment 21 posts
of “Dental Surgeons” in the
latest DHS Agartala vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in DHS West
Tripura Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can
read advertisement and apply.
Application Process
Online Form
West Tripura-799006
Last Date
05th October 2020
Name of the Department
Directorate of Health Services (DHS)
DHS West Tripura Vacancies Details
No. of Posts: 21 (Twenty one)
Qualification: BDS
Honorarium: Rs.50,000/- (Rupees
Fifty thousand).
How to Apply DHS West Tripura Recruitment
The applications in plain paper should contain the
following information and should be addressed to the Director of Health
Services, Govt. of Tripura, Pandit Nehru Complex, Gurkhabasti, PO-Kunjaban,
Agartala, West Tripura, Pin-799006.
1. Application for the post of:-
2. Name of the applicant (IN BLOCK LETTERS):-
3. Father’s/Husband’s name:-
4. Permanent address:-
5. Present address to which communication is to be made:-
6. Contact Number/Mail address:-
7. Qualification:-
8. Date of birth & age on the date of application:-
9. Nationality:-
10. Registration No.:-
Mode of
application: hard copy/by e-mail
E-mail number:-
(i) dhsgovttripura@gmail.com
(ii) bodentaldhstripura@gmail.com
Important Web Links of DHS West Tripura Recruitment
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