DSJ Nalbari Recruitment 2020
Office of the District & Sessions Judge (DSJ), Nalbari has released employment news for official website nalbarijudiciary.gov.in notification for the recruitment post of “Chief Administrative Officer (Sheristadar)” in the latest DSJ Nalbari District vacancy 2020. Candidates who are interested in Nalbari Judiciary Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.
Application Process
Offline Form
Nalbari, Assam
Last Date
17th October 2020
Name of the Court
District & Session Judge (DSJ)
DSJ Nalbari Vacancies Details 2020
Chief Administrative Officer (Sheristadar)
Eligibility: The candidate must be a Graduate and must have served either as Head Assistant in the District & Sessions Judge Establishment or as Sheristadar in the Office of the Additional District & Sessions Judge continuously for a minimum of five years.
Pay Scale: Rs.30,000/- to Rs.1,10,000/- Grade Pay Rs.14,500/- and other allowances as admissible under the Rules.
How to Apply DSJ Nalbari Recruitment
•The intending candidates shall submit their application through proper channel by enclosing experience certificate issued by the respective District & Sessions Judge along with all the relevant testimonials and two recent passport size photographs. Application should reach the office of the undersigned on or before 17/10/2020.
District & Sessions Judge,
Important Web Links of DSJ Nalbari Recruitment
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