ICAR Manipur Recruitment 2020
Research Complex for NEH Region, Manipur Centre has released employment news of official
website icarneh.ernet.in notification for the recruit’s 03 posts of “Agro-meteorology
and Young Professional-II” in the latest vacancy 2020. Candidates who are
interested in Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility
criteria can read advertisement and apply.
Application Process
Last Date
17th September 2020
Name of the Department
Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
ICAR Manipur Recruitment Details 2020
1. Agro-meteorology
No. of Post: 01 (One)
Essential: M.Sc.(Ag) in Agri-meteorology/Agronomy/Soil Science/Horticulture/ Plant
Pathology/Entomology or M.Tech (Ag. Engg.)/ M.Sc. (Meteorology),
1. Capability of statistical Data Analysis through computer software’s.
2. Knowledge in Agrometerological services and good skill in operation of
3. Capability of handling inters institution assignments.
4. Knowledge on crops and weather
Pay: Band PB – 3, Rs. 15, 600 – 39, 100/- +
5400/- (Pre – revised)
Age limit:
maximum 35 years as on date of closing. Relaxable for ST/SC/OBC/Ex. Service man
and Physically Handicapped as per Govt. of India rules.
2. Young
No. of Posts: 02 (Two)
Essential: M.V.Sc//M.V.Sc & AH
(i) Field experience in piggery based research and extension work.
(ii) Computer skill is required for analysis of field data.
(iii)For general candidate in post graduation minimum 55% and others
categories 50% marks is required for qualifying.
Emolument: Rs.25,000/- per month
Age limit: The maximum is 35 years for men and
40 years for women candidates as on date of interview (relaxation of age in
case of SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates as per Government norms).
How to Apply ICAR Manipur Recruitment
Agro-meteorology: Candidate will have to
pay application fee of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three Hundred) through Internet
Banking in the account of Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex For N.E H.
Region, Manipur Centre Imphal. (Bank Account no-10329726446, Bank-SBI,
Branch-Imphal Secretariat, IFS Code no SBIN0004562, MICR Code-7950022003,
Branch code-04562.
Application fee payable by SC/ST categories is Rs. 100/- (Rupees one Hundred)
only. The candidate must enclose the payment details copy along with
application form.
should be addressed to the Joint Director, ICAR Research Complex for NEH
Region, Manipur Centre, Imphal-795004. The eligible candidates are requested to
send their application in the enclosed proforma along with scanned copy of the
original documents through email to jdmn.icar@nic.in latest by 17th Sept,2020 (4.30 pm)
with a copy to chandelkvk@gmail.com
Young Professional-II: All candidates willing
to apply for the contractual post are required compulsorily furnish the declaration
duly signed in the format annexed (Given in Annexure-I) and submit along with
the application up to 17th Sept 2020 (04:30 pm). The self-attested copies of
all relevant certificates attached along with the application form should be
mailed to jdmn.icar@nic.in with a copy to chandelkvk@gmail.com latest by 17th Sept, 2020
(4.30 pm).
Important Web Links of ICAR
Manipur Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advt. & Form
Whatsapp Jobs Alerts
Telegram Channel