Meghalaya Industries Recruitment
of Commerce & Industries, Shillong has released employment news notification for the recruitment 02 posts of “Peon”
in the latest Shillong vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Meghalaya
Industries Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria
can read advertisement and apply offline.
Application Process
Offline Form
Last Date
12th October 2020
Name of the Department
Directorate of Commerce & Industries
Meghalaya Industries Recruitment Details 2020
No. of Posts: 02 (two)
Qualification: Class VIII passed
Scale of Pay: Level-1, Rs.17400/- to Rs.41,000/-
Age limit: Candidates should not be more than 27 years and not less than 18 years
as on 31.08.2020. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years in case of candidates
belonging to SC/ST. No age limit for those who are already in Government
Services provided they enter the Service within the prescribed age limit and
should submit their application through proper channel.
Application Fee of Meghalaya
Industries Recruitment 2020
should be accompanied by Treasury Challan of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only
for General Categories and 50/- (Rupees fifty) only for SC/ST Candidates to be
deposited under the Head of Account “0070-Other Administrative
Services-60-Other Services-800-other Expenditure-(06)-Fees, Fines etc. Fees are
non refundable.
How to Apply Meghalaya
Industries Recruitment 2020
Applications completed in all respects and accompanied
with duly attested copies of School Certificates, SC/ST Certificate, Experience
Certificate, Residential Certificate, Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and 1
(one) passport size photograph should be submitted to the undersigned.
Directorate of Commerce & Industries,
2nd Floor, Administrative Building,
Lower Lachumiere, Shillong-793001
Important Web Links of Meghalaya
Industries Recruitment 2020
Detailed Advertisement
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