NIT Nagaland Recruitment 2020
National Institute of Technology (NIT), Nagaland has released employment news for
official website nitnagaland.ac.in notification for the recruitment 01 post
of “Junior Research Fellow (JRF)”
in the latest Dimapur vacancy 2020. Candidates who are interested in NITN Jobs
details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement
and apply.
Application Process
Online Form
Last Date
07th October 2020
Name of the Department
National Institute of Technology (NIT)
NIT Nagaland Vacancies Details
Research Fellow (JRF)
No. of Post: 01 (one)
Essential: M.Sc in Physics.
Candidate must have obtained at least 60% marks or 6.5 CGPA out of 10.
Desirable: Applicant should have
preliminary knowledge/experience in magnetic hyperthermia or related areas.
Consolidated Salary:
For JRF: Rs. 25,000/- per month
For JRF: Rs. 15,000/- per month
How to Apply NIT Nagaland Recruitment
Candidates having appropriate qualifications in relevant
subject/specialization with consistently good academic records and experience
may send their application in the prescribed format with all supporting
documents and CV by email to jpborah@rediffmail.com
with CC to rajagopal.kumar4@gmail.com,
on or before 7th October
2020. Application in the prescribed format will only be accepted.
Important Web Links of NIT Nagaland Recruitment
Detailed Advt. & Form
Telegram Jobs Alerts