VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment 2021. 07 Vacancy HSW, SAA, Laboratory Assistant

VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment 2021. 07 Vacancy HSW, SAA, Laboratory Assistant

VETBIFG Guwahati Jobs 2021. Department of Microbiology, College of Veterinary Science, Guwahati has released employment notification for the recruitment 07 posts of Highly Skilled Worker, Scientific Administrative Assistant, Laboratory Assistant and Field Assistant Vacancies. Interested candidates are requested to read Jobs advertisement given below links before applying.


Application ProcessOnline Form
Job LocationGuwahati
Last Date25.05.2021 & 01.06.2021
Recruitment BoardCollege of Veterinary Science

VETBIFG Guwahati Vacancy Details 2021

1. Highly Skilled Worker (HSW)
No. of Post: 01 [One]

Last Date: 25.05.2021

2. Scientific Administrative Assistant (SAA)
No. of Post: 01 [One]

Last Date: 25.05.2021

3. Laboratory Assistant
No. of Post: 01 [One]

Last Date: 25.05.2021

4. Field Assistant (FA)
No. of Posts: 02 [Two]

Last Date: 01.06.2021

5. Scientific Administrative Assistant (SAA)
No. of Post: 01 [One]

Last Date: 01.06.2021

6. Laboratory Assistant
No. of Post: 01 [One]

Last Date: 01.06.2021

Qualification of VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment

1. HSW: B.Sc. degree. Candidates having experience in laboratory work.

2. SAA: Graduate with any discipline. Laboratory work, computer knowledge in MS Office.

3. LA: B.Sc. Degree. Candidates having experience in biological laboratory work.

4. FA: B.Sc. with animal sample and field data collection along with Computer Knowledge will be preferred.

5. SAA: Graduate in any discipline. Computer Knowledge in MS office, account keeping.

6. LA: B.Sc. Degree with experience in biological laboratory work.

Emoluments of VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment

1. HSW: University rate Rs.529.47 per day

2. SAA: Rs.18000/- + HRA

3. LA: Rs.20,000/- + HRA

4. FA: Rs.20,000/- + HRA

5. SAA: Rs.18,000/- + HRA

6. LA: Rs.20,000/- + HRA

Age limit of VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment

Age should not be below 21 years on the 1st day of 2021. Relaxation in case of SC/ST candidates as per rules.

How to Apply VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment

Interested candidates with requisite qualification have to send the softcopy of an application in standard format along with a copy of Bio-data, one set of all relevant documents (self-attested) on or before the date indicated in the above. The softcopy should be sent in the email id

The hard copy of complete application with Bio-data, all relevant documents (self attested), should reach to the office of the DBT-ADMaC, College of Veterinary Science, AAU, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022 via speed post/courier/in person.

Important Web Links of VETBIFG Guwahati Recruitment

Standard Form: Click Here

Detailed Advertisement: Click Here

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