DC Office Kamrup Recruitment 2020: Apply Head Assistant Vacancy

DC Office Kamrup Recruitment 2020: Apply Head Assistant Vacancy

Deputy Commissioner Kamrup Recruitment 2020


Deputy Commissioner (DC), Kamrup has released employment news notification for the recruitment 01 post of Head Assistant in the latest Amingaon vacancy 2020. Candidates who are interested in DC Office Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process

Offline Form



Last Date

02nd November 2020

Name of the Office

Deputy Commissioner



Deputy Commissioner Kamrup Vacancy Details



Head Assistant


No. of Post: 01 (One)


Essential: The candidate, amongst the Senior Assistants with at least 10 (ten) years of service as such to their credit including Supervisory Assistants in any Deputy Commissioner’s establishment may apply for the post and must have working experience in different branches.


Pay Band: (PB-3) Rs.22000/- to 97000/- + GP Rs.10300/-



How to Apply Deputy Commissioner Kamrup Jobs 2020


•Applications are hereby invited in prescribed format with stating age, educational qualification, present and permanent address and experience in different branches supported by attested copies of certificate, a copy of recent passport size photograph along with Annual Confidential Reports of last 5 (five) consecutive years should reach the undersigned within 02.11.2020.


•Application should be submitted through proper channel with service particulars to the Deputy Commissioner, Kamrup, Amingaon.



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