DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020: Apply 30 Posts @ Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs)

DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020: Apply 30 Posts @ Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs)

DLSA Biswanath Recruitment 2020


District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Biswanath has released employment news notification for the recruitment 30 posts of Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs) in the Assam vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Sonitpur Judiciary Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.


Application Process

Offline Form


Biswanath, Pin-784176

Last Date

31st October 2020

Name of the Authority

District Legal Services Authority (DLSA)



DLSA Biswanath Vacancies Details


Para Legal Volunteers (PLVs)


No. of Posts: 30 (Thirty)




1. He/She must be a citizen of India and a local resident of the Biswanath District.


2. He/She should have mind-set to assist the needy in society, and have the compassion, empathy and concern for the upliftment of marginalized and weaker sections of the society.


3. The work of PLVs doesn’t carry any salary, remuneration or wage except honorarium fixed by the District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath from time to time, as per rules.


How to Apply DLSA Biswanath Recruitment


▪Applications along with bio-data and two numbers of passport size photographs should reach the given below address on or before 31/10/2020. The applicants should submit their mobile/contact number, email Id for further communication.


▪Applicants should mention the respective Gaon Pachayat to which they belong, along with their complete address in the bio-data.


Address at which applications be sent:-


The Chairman,

District Legal Services Authority, Biswanath,

SDJM (M) Court Campus, Biswanath

Biswanath Chariali, Dist, Biswanath




Important Web Links of DLSA Biswanath Recruitment


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