Govt. School RI Bhoi District Recruitment 2020: Apply 112 Posts @ Assistant Teacher

Govt. School RI Bhoi District Recruitment 2020: Apply 112 Posts @ Assistant Teacher

RI Bhoi District Teacher Recruitment 2020


Government Lower & Upper Primary Schools under RI Bhoi District has released employment news notification for the recruitment 112 posts of Assistant Teacher in the latest Teaching vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process

Offline Form


RI BHOI District

Last Date

09th November 2020

Name of the School

Govt. LP/UP School



RI Bhoi District Teacher Vacancy Details


A. Government Lower Primary School


Assistant Teacher


No. of Posts: 105 (One hundred five)


Qualification: Class 12th passed with 50% for General candidates & 45% for ST/SC candidates with D.El.Ed or B.Ed. (if appointed shall mandatorily undergo a 6 months Bridge Course in Elementary Education recognized by NCTE, within two years of appointment as primary teacher.



B. Government Upper Primary School


Assistant Teacher


No. of Posts: 07 (Seven)


Qualification: Graduate with 50% for General candidates & 45% for ST/SC candidates with B.Ed. the vacancy posts: (i) General (ii) Maths & Science (iii) Hindi (iv) Craft Instructor Teachers.


2. MTET passed certificate: Compulsory.

3. D.Ed.Ed passed certificate: Compulsory.



Age limit of RI Bhoi District Teacher Jobs 2020


(i) The candidate should not have crossed 32 years of age (relaxable up to 37 years in the case of the SC/ST/Differently Abled candidates) as on the first day of the first month of the year in which the advertisement was made.


(ii) In the case of candidates already in government service, he/she should have first entered service within the age limit mentioned in Clause (i) above and he/she shall have to obtain a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the concerned office/Department for applying.


(iii) In respect of candidates employed in aided schools and contractual teachers, the age limit of 35 years (relaxation by 5 years in case of ST/SC candidates) on the first day of the year as required.



How to Apply RI Bhoi District Teacher Jobs 2020


The application should reach the office of the Sub-Divisional School Education Officer, Ri Bhoi District, Nongpoh on or before 9th November 2020 fulfilling all the basic criteria as specified above.


•Candidate should enclose all essential documents like Mark sheets, School Certificates, Age Proof, Residential Certificate, MTET, D.E1.Ed/B.Ed Certificates etc., along with the application.


•All candidates awaiting D.El.Ed’s result from NIOs is also qualified to apply for the vacant posts.



Important Web Links of RI Bhoi District Teacher Recruitment

List of Qualified Candidates for the Personal Interview for the post of Assistant Teacher in Govt.

Click Here

List of Qualified Candidates for the Personal Interview for the post of Assistant Teacher in Govt. UP Schools (Science & Math's)

Click Here

List of Qualified Candidates for the Personal Interview for the post of Assistant Teacher in Govt. UP Schools (Arts)

Click Here

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