MACT, Barpeta Recruitment 2020: Apply 07 Posts @ Peon, Driver, Process Server & Other

MACT, Barpeta Recruitment 2020: Apply 07 Posts @ Peon, Driver, Process Server & Other

MACT Barpeta Recruitment 2020


Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT), Barpeta has released employment news notification for the recruitment 07 posts of Process Server, Driver, Office Peon, Peon for Officer, Day Chowkidar & Night Chowkidar in the latest Barpeta District vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process

Offline Form


Barpeta, Assam

Last Date

(20 days) 05th November  2020

Name of the Court

Motor Accident Claims Tribunal



MACT Barpeta Vacancy Details


1. Process Server


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria: The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.



2. Driver


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria:


▪The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.


▪The candidate must have professional/commercial Driving Licence and having an experience of such driving for at least one year.



3. Office Peon


No. of Posts: 02 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria: The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.



4. Peon for Officer


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria: The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.



5. Day Chowkidar


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria: The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.



6. Night Chowkidar


No. of Post: 01 (Unreserved)


Eligibility Criteria: The candidate must be the citizen of India having minimum Class-VIII passed qualification from a recognized school and his age should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years on the date of submission of his candidature.



General exceptions:


1. The upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to SC/ST categories up to 45 years, for candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC categories upto 43 years and for candidates belonging to persons with Disabilities category up to 50 years.


2. The candidature of the candidates that were submitted following the earlier advertisement of this office will remain valid and they may not file their candidature a new.


How to Apply MACT Barpeta Jobs


▪Candidates should submit their candidature in the Standard Form along with all relevant documents/testimonials and 3 copies of passport size photograph being signed by the candidate and oneself addressed envelope of 5 cm x 11 cm affixing postal stamp of Rs.5/- only.


▪Applications should reach the undersigned within 20 (twenty) days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the newspapers and would not be accepted thereafter.




Motor Accident Claims Tribunal, Barpeta

cum Chairman, Selection Board, Member



Important Web Links of MACT Barpeta Jobs


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