DC North Garo Hills Recruitment 2020: Apply 54 Posts - LDA, Weaving Demonstrator, Driver & Peon

DC North Garo Hills Recruitment 2020: Apply 54 Posts - LDA, Weaving Demonstrator, Driver & Peon

DC North Garo Hills Recruitment 2020


Office of the Deputy Commissioner (D.C): District Selection Committee: North Garo Hills District has released current employment news for the recruitment of Official website northgarohills.gov.in notification 54 posts of LDA cum Typist, Weaving Demonstrator, Driver and Peon in the latest vacancies 2020. Candidates who are interested in DSC Jobs details given below and have completed all eligibility criteria can read advertisement and apply.

Application Process

Offline Form


Resubelpara, Meghalaya

Last Date

20th November 2020

Name of the Office

Deputy Commissioner (DC)




DC North Garo Hills Vacancy Details



1. L.D.A cum-typist (Grade-III)


No. of Posts: 21 [Twenty one]


Qualification: HSSLC passed


Experience: Preferably six months Diploma course in Computer. Minimum typing speed of 30 wpm.




2. Weaving Demonstrator (Grade-III)


No. of Posts: 05 [Five]


Qualification: SSLC passed


Experience: 2 years Certificate course in Handloom Technology.




3. Driver


No. of Posts: 05 [Five]


Qualification: Class VIII passed


Experience: Driving License and Experience Certificate




4. Peon/Chowkidar/Night Chowkidar/Cook/Jugali and Paniwala


No. of Posts: 23 [Twenty three]


Qualification: Class VIII passed and above




Application fee of DC North Garo Hills Recruitment


(a) Only DSC Challan shall be used for payment of the examination fee, no other mode of payment will be accepted.


(b) Examination fee of Rs.100/- for General, Rs.50/- for Scheduled Tribe/SC and Ex-servicemen shall be paid through Challan payable at any Branch of State Bank of India. The DSC A/c No. is 33138015665.


Note: Those applicants who will pay at State Bank of India, Resubelpara Branch, there will be no additional amount in the form of bank’s commission but those who will pay examination fees other than SBI, Resubelpara Branch, an additional amount of Rs.35/- only in the form of Bank’s commission has to be paid.


*ST & SC Exam fees: Rs.85

*General Exam fees: Rs.135/-


Payment will be accepted only on State Bank of India, any Branch.




How to Apply DC North Garo Hills Recruitment


•Applications should be submitted in the Standard Form duly supported by testimonials as prescribed in Part-IX of the Gazette of Meghalaya along with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photograph. The original Certificates are to be produced at the time of interview. Candidates failing to produce the aforementioned document on the date of interview will have their candidature immediately disqualified. Applicants are also to submit the self addressed stamp envelope (size 9x4) while giving the application form.


Applications will be received in the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, District Selection Committee, Branch, North Garo Hills District, Resubelpara.




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